
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
3916ArticolX-kli1.1Klibansky, RaymondThe Platonic traditionda
3917ArticolX-che1.1 Chenu, M.D. The platonism of the twelfth century (chapter)da
3918CarteWAR2.1Warren, JamesThe pleasures of reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic hedonistsda
3919CarteALF1.1.2AlfarabiThe Political Writings: "Political Regime" and "Summary of Plato`s Laws" (vol. 2)da
3920CarteALF1.1.1AlfarabiThe Political Writings: "Selected Aphorisms" and Other Texts (vol. 1)da
3921CarteGOO1.2Goodenough, Erwin R.THE POLITICS OF PHILO JUDAEUS. Practice and Theoryda
3922CarteCLA5.2Classen, AlbrechtThe power of a woman's voice in medieval and early modern literaturesda
3923Articolx-buc1.1Bucks, Gertrude The Present Status of Rhetorical Theoryda
3924CarteKIR1.1Kirk, G.S.; Raven, J.E.The Presocratic Philosophersda
3925CartePIN3.1Pinzani, RobertoThe problem of universals from Boethius to John of Salisburyda
3926Articolx-caj1.10Cajori, Florian The Purpose of Zeno's Arguments on Motionda
3927Articolx-sch5.21Chris SchabelThe Quaestiones Libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Receptionda
3928ArticolX-sch5.11Schabel C.The Quodlibeta of Peter of Auvergneda
3929CarteHOL2.1Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
3930CarteHOL2.1#2Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
3931ArticolX-sch5.18Schabel C.The Redactions of Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 3 of the sentencesda
3932Articolx-klo1.3 Klosko, GeorgeThe Refutation of Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias"da
3933CarteORA1.1Oram, Richard D. The reign of Alexander II, 1214-49da
3934ArticolX-sho1.1Shogimen, Takashi The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
3935CarteQUI4.1Quinones, Ricardo J.The Renaissance discovery of timeda
3936ArticolX-thi1.2Thijssen, J. M. M. H. The response to Thomas Aquinas in the early fourteenth century: eternity and infinity in the works of Henry of Harclay, Thomas of Wilton and William of Alnwick O. F. M.da
3937ArticolX-dro1.1Dronke, PeterThe Return of Eurydiceda
3938ArticolX-yol1.1 Yolles, JulianThe rhethoric of simplicity: faith and rethoric in Peter Damianda
3939CarteBRI2.4Brînzei, Monica (ed.)The rise of an academic elite : deans, masters, and scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400da
3940Articolx-fer3.1Ferrois, Jose The Road to Modern Logic-An Interpretationda