3861 | Articol | x-wol2.1 | Wolfsdorf, D. | The Historical Reader of Plato's Protagoras | da |
3862 | Carte | OBE1.1 | Obermeier, Anita | The history and anatomy of auctorial self-criticism in the European Middle Ages | nu |
3863 | Carte | CIO2.1 | Cioca, Luciana | The History of Vesperial Disputations in the 13th and 14th Centuries | da |
3864 | Articol | x-caj1.5 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion | da |
3865 | Articol | x-caj1.1 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3866 | Articol | x-caj1.2 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3867 | Articol | x-caj1.3 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3868 | Articol | x-caj1.4 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3869 | Articol | x-caj1.6 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3870 | Articol | x-caj1.7 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3871 | Articol | x-caj1.8 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3872 | Articol | x-caj1.9 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
3873 | Carte | KIR3.1 | Kirk, G. S. | The Homeric Poems As History | da |
3874 | Carte | HOM1.8.1 | G. S. Kirk | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4) | da |
3875 | Carte | HOM1.8.2 | G. S. Kirk | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II (Books 5-8) | nu |
3876 | Carte | HOM1.8.3 | B. Hainsworth | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. III (Books 9-12) | da |
3877 | Carte | HOM1.8.4 | R. Janko | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. IV (Books 13-16) | da |
3878 | Carte | HOM1.8.5 | M. W. Edwards | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. V (Books 17-20) | da |
3879 | Carte | HOM1.8.6 | N. Richardson | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. VI (Books 21-24) | da |
3880 | Articol | X-ris1.2 | Rist, John M. | The indefinite dyad and intelligible matter in Plotinus | da |
3881 | Carte | MOO1.1 | Moore, A.W. | The infinite | da |
3882 | Articol | x-bla2.1 | Blanco, Arturo | The influence of faith in angels on the medieval vision of nature and man | da |
3883 | Articol | x-klo1.2 | Klosko, George | The Insufficiency of Reason in Plato's Gorgias | da |
3884 | Carte | FIS3.1 | Fisch, Harold (ed.) | The Jerusalem Bible | nu |
3885 | Carte | FRA5.1 | Frank, Daniel H. ; Leaman, Oliver ; Manekin, Charles Harry (eds.) | The Jewish philosophy reader | da |