
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3841CarteSPI1.1Spico, P. C.Esquisse d'une histoire de l'exegese latine au Moyen Ageda
3842CarteSPI3.1Spijker, Ienje van 'tThe multiple meaning of scripture: the role of exegesis in early-Christian and medieval culturenu
3843CarteSPR1.1Spruyt, JokeLogica Morellida
3844CarteSTA3.1Stadter, Philip A. Plutarch's Historical Methods. An Analysis of the Muilierum Virtutesda
3845CarteSTA2.1.2Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 2.1da
3846CarteSTA2.1.1Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 1da
3847CarteSTA2.1.3Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 3.1da
3848CarteSTA4.1Stanislaus de ScarbimiriaSermones de sapientia selectida
3849Articolx-sta1.1Stannard, Jerry Parmenidian Logicda
3850Articolx-sta2.1Stanton, G.R. Sophists and Philosophers: Problems of Classificationda