
Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
3816CarteLAS2.1.1Laszlo, AlexandruLectura lui Dante. Infernulda
3817CarteLAS2.1.2Laszlo, AlexandruLectura lui Dante. Purgatoriulda
3818CarteLAS2.1.3Laszlo, AlexandruLectura lui Dante. Paradisulda
3819CarteNOI1.1Noica, ConstantinInterpretări la Platonda
3820CarteSEN1.8SenecaScrisori către Luciliuda
3821CartePLA1.26.1PlatonOpera integrală Ida
3822CarteMEI3.1Meiroşu, AncaMagia în literatura latină din epoca imperială timpurie (sec. I-II d. Hr.)da
3823CartePLE1.6Georgios Gemistos PlethonÎn ce privinţe se deosebeşte Aristotel de Platonda
3824CarteBRA5.1#2Brann, Noel L.The debate over the origin of genius during the Italian renaissancenu
3825CarteAUG1.39.7AugustineCity of God (Vol. VII, Books 21-22, General Index)nu
3826CarteARI1.69.1AristotleProblems (Vol. I, Books 1-19)nu
3828CarteLON6.1Longère, Jean (ed.)L' abbaye parisienne de Saint-Victor au Moyen Age : communications présentées au XIIIe Colloque d' Humanisme Médiéval de Paris (1986-1988)nu
3829CarteEME2.1Emerson, Jan Swango; Feiss, Hugh (eds.)Imagining heaven in the Middle Ages : a book of essaysnu
3830CarteRIC4.1.1Richardus de Sancto VictoreL'œuvre de Richard de Saint-Victor : 1 De contemplatione : (Beniamin maior)nu
3831CarteSPI3.1Spijker, Ienje van 'tThe multiple meaning of scripture: the role of exegesis in early-Christian and medieval culturenu
3832CarteHEN5.1Henry, D. P.Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. A Modern Introductionda
3833CarteHIS1.2Petrus HispanusPeter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelisda
3834CartePLA1.26.1#2PlatonOpera integrală Ida
3835CarteARI1.69.2AristotleProblems (Vol. II, Books 20-38), Rhetoric to Alexandernu
3836CarteMEI1.8#2Meirinhos, Jose ; Lopez, Celia ; Rebalde, Alcade ; Rebalde, Joao (eds.)Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Agesda
3837CarteHOE1.4Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.)Past and future. Medieval studies todayda
3838CarteOUY1.1.1#2Ouy, Gilbert Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. Ida
3839CarteOUY1.1.2#2Ouy, GilbertLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. IIda
3840CarteHUI1.1Huian, Georgiana Augustin : le coeur et la crise du sujetda