
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3701ArticolX-sch5.15Schabel C.La dottrina di Francesco di Marchia sulla predestinazione da
3702ArticolX-sch5.16Schabel C.Il determinismo di Francesco di Marchia (parte 2)da
3703ArticolX-sch5.17Schabel C.Il determinismo di Francesco di Marchiada
3704ArticolX-sch5.18Schabel C.The Redactions of Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 3 of the sentencesda
3705ArticolX-sch5.19Schabel C. , Papamarkou C. si Katsoura E.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 4 of the sentences. Traditions and Redactions, with Questions on Projectile Motion, Polygamy, and the Immortality of the Soulda
3706ArticolX-sch5.6Schabel C. si Courtenay W. J.Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Romeda
3707ArticolX-sch5.14Schabel C. si Rossini M.Time and Eternity Among The Early Scotistsda
3708ArticolX-sch5.4Schabel, C.Francis of Marchia on Divine Ideasda
3709ArticolX-sch5.5Schabel, C.Carmelite Quodlibetada
3710ArticolX-sch5.8Schabel, C.Notes on a Recent Edition of Parts of Francis of Marchia's in Primum Librum Sententiarumda