
Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
3221CartePIE1.2Pieper, JosefTratat despre prudenţăda
3222CarteSOR2.1Sorel, ReynalOrfeu şi orfismulda
3223CarteCUL2.1Cullmann, OscarNoul Testamentda
3224CarteARI1.64AristotelStatul atenianda
3225CarteARI1.65AristotelParva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturaleda
3226CarteBRE2.4.1Bréhier, ÉmileHistoire de la philosophie: I. L'antiquité et le moyen-âgeda
3227CarteARO2.1Aron, RaymondIntroduction à la philosophie de l`historireda
3228CarteRAT1.2Ratzinger, Joseph (Papa Benedict al XVI-lea)Teologia istoriei la sfântul Bonaventurada
3229CarteBIA1.6Biard, Joël; Celeyrette, Jean (eds.)De la théologie aux mathematiques: l'infini au XIVe siècleda
3230CarteGRE2.5Grellard, Christophe; Lachaud, Frederique (eds.)A companion to John of Salisburyda
3231CarteGRE2.6Grellard, ChristopheDe la certitude volontaire: débats nominalistes sur la foi à la fin du Moyen Âgeda
3232CarteCAPH153.2***Cahiers philosophiquesda
3233CarteBIA1.7Biard, Joël; Mariani Zini, Fosca (eds.)Ut philosophia poesis : questions philosophiques dans l'œuvre de Dante, Pètrarque et Boccacenu
3234CarteRSPT1.1***Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiquesda
3235CarteRSPT1.3***Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiquesda
3236CarteFUR2.1Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.)From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle agesda
3237CarteBEC2.1Beck Hans-GeorgErotikon bizantin : ordodoxie - literatură -societateda
3238CarteKAN1.2Kant, ImmanuelCritica raţiunii practiceda
3239CarteGRA7.1Grasso, Christian; Miglio, Massimo (eds.)Eretico ed erotico nel Medioevo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Roma, 1-2 dicembre 2016)da
3240CarteBRU5.1Brunner Emil Temeiurile credinţei creştineda
3241CarteMUS5.1Mussatus, AlbertinusDe gestis italicorum post Henricum VII Cesarem (libri I-VII)da
3242CarteIBN1.1Ibn Hazm, Alī ibn AhmadColierul porumbiţei : tratat despre dragoste şi îndrăgostiţida
3243CarteWHI3.1Whittaker ThomasNeoplatonismul : un studiu asupra istoriei elenismuluida
3244CarteTHO1.33Toma din AquinoDisertatii despre adevar : dezbaterea a XI-a despre invatatorda
3245CartePLA1.24PlatonScrisorile ; Dialoguri suspecte ; Dialoguri apocrifeda
3247CarteALK1.1#2AlkindiDie Erste Philosophieda
3248CarteARI1.4#2AristotelDe l' ameda
3249CarteORT1.1Ortúzar Escudero, María JoséDie Sinne in den Schriften Hildegards von Bingen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sinneswahrnehmungda
3250CarteSAM3.1#2Samuelson, Norbert M.Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introductionda
3251CarteBOD1.1Bodel, John; Olyan, M. Saul (eds.)Household and family religion in antiquityda
3252CarteTUR3.1Turmeda, AnselmeDispute de l'âneda
3253CarteVER2.2Vernant, Jean-PierreMortals and immortalsda
3254CarteCOR1.3Corbin MichelLa doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité da
3255CarteGAG2.1Gagarin, MichaelEarly Greek lawda
3256CarteCOX1.1Cox, Cheryl AnneHousehold interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient Athensda
3257CarteSER1.2 Serres, Michel Petite poucette nu
3258CarteMOR5.1Morris, IanWhy the West rules - for now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the futureda
3259CarteNEV1.1Nevett, Lisa C.House and society in the ancient Greek worldda
3260CarteMOR6.1 Morris, ColinThe discovery of the individual, 1050-1200da
3261CarteBOE4.1Boegehold, Alan L.; Scafuro, C. Adele (eds.)Athenian identity and civic ideologyda
3262CarteGAG2.2Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.)The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek lawda
3263CarteARN5.1 Arnzen, Rüdiger; Thielmann‎, ‬Jörn Words, texts and concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea da
3264CarteLIE1.1Beatus LiebanensisObras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) da
3265CarteQUI4.1Quinones, Ricardo J.The Renaissance discovery of timeda
3266CarteCOH1.1Cohen, DavidLaw, sexuality, and society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athensda
3267CarteMOR5.2Morris, Ian; Scheidel, Walter (eds.)The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantiumda
3268CarteKRI1.3Kristeller, Paul OskarRenaissance thought and its sources nu
3269CarteHOO1.1Hood, Pamela MAristotle on the category of relationda
3270CarteBRU6.1Brulé, PierreWomen of Ancient Greeceda