
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3011CarteBPJ5/2000Mojsisch, Burkhard; Pluta, Olaf; Rehn, Rudolf (Herausgegeben von)Bochumer philosophisches jahrbuch fur antike und mittelalterda
3012Articolx-mol1.1Moline, Jon Aristotle, Eubulides and the Soritesda
3013ArticolX-mom1.1Mommsen, Theodor E.Petrarch`s conception of the "Dark ages"da
3014CarteMON3.1Monagle, ClareOrthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theologyda
3015CarteMON4.1Mondesert, ClaudePour lire les Peres de l'Egliseda
3016CarteMON4.2Mondésert, Claude Pour lire les Pères de l'Eglise . Dans "Sources chrétiennes"da
3017CarteBRI2.1Monica Brînzei (ed.)Nicolas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at VIenna in the Early Fifteenth Centuryda
3018CarteMON2.1Monson, Don A.Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism and the courtly traditionda
3019CarteMON1.1Montagnes, BernardLa doctrine de l'analogie de l'être d'après Saint Thomas d'Aquinda
3020CarteMON7.1Montanari, F.The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greekda