266 | Carte | APO1.1 | Apollonius Rhodius | Argonautica | da |
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282 | Carte | ARI1.52.2 | Aristotel | Aristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 2 | da |
283 | Carte | ARI1.52.3 | Aristotel | Aristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 3 | da |
284 | Carte | ARI1.52.4 | Aristotel | Aristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 4 | da |
285 | Carte | ARI1.52.5 | Aristotel | Aristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 5 | da |
286 | Carte | ARI1.52.6 | Aristotel | Aristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 6 | da |
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288 | Carte | LEH1.1 | Lehmann, Yves (ed.) | Aristoteles Romanus. La reception de la science aristotelicienne dans l'Empire greco-romain | da |
289 | Articol | X-ada1.1#1 | Adamson, Peter | Aristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinus | da |
290 | Articol | X-ada1.1#2 | Adamson, Peter | Aristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinus | da |
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305 | Carte | HOO1.1 | Hood, Pamela M | Aristotle on the category of relation | da |
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312 | Carte | ARI1.40.1 | Aristotel; Ross, W.D. | Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. I | da |
313 | Carte | ARI1.40.2 | Aristotel; Ross, W.D. | Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. II | da |
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