
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
2601CarteKRA1.1Kraut, RichardThe Cambridge companion to Plato da
2602CarteKRE1.1Kremer, KlausDie Neoplatonische Seinsphilosophie und ihre Wirkung auf Thomas von Aquinda
2603CarteKRE2.1Kretzmann, N.; Kenny, A.; Pinborg, A.The Cambridge Companion to Later Medieval Philosophyda
2604CarteKRI1.3Kristeller, Paul OskarRenaissance thought and its sources nu
2605CarteKRI1.1Kristeller, Paul OskarLatin Manuscript Books before 1600da
2606CarteKRI1.2.1Kristeller, Paul Oskar (ed.)Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentariesda
2607CarteKRU1.1Krüger, MaxGriechisches Ubungsbuchda
2608Articolx-kuh1.1Kuhn, HelmutDialectic in Historyda
2609CarteKUH1.1Kühn, WilfriedQuel savoir après le scepticisme?da
2610ArticolX-kuk1.1#2Kukkonen, TaneliPlenitude, Possibility and the limits of reason: A Medieval Arabic debate on the metaphysics of natureda
2611Articolx-kuk1.3Kukkonen, TaneliPossible worlds in the Tahafut al-tahafut: Averroes on Plenitude and Possibilityda
2612ArticolX-kuk1.1#1Kukkonen, TaneliPlenitude, Possibility and the limits of reason: A Medieval Arabic debate on the metaphysics of natureda
2613Articolx-kuk1.2Kukkonen, TaneliPossible worlds in the Thafut al-Falasifa: Al-Ghazali on creation and contingencyda
2614CarteKÜN1.1Küng, HansDans Christentum.Wesen und Geschichteda
2615CarteKÜN1.2Küng, HansErkämpfte Freiheitda
2616CarteKÜN1.3Küng, HansDie Kircheda
2617CarteKUN2.1Kunitzsch, PaulThe Arabs and the stars: texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europeda
2618CarteKUR2.1Kurdziałek, MarianProlegomena zu Davidis de Dinanto Quaternulorum fragmenta da
2619CarteKUR1.1.1Kurfess, A. (ed.)Appendix Sallustiana Ida
2620CarteKUR1.1.2Kurfess, A. (ed.)Appendix Sallustiana IIda
2621CarteARE1.1L' Arétin [Pietro Aretino]Lettres de l'Arétinda
2622CarteBRI4.1L. Brisson, J.F. PradeauDictionnaire Platonda
2623CarteLAB1.1Labarbe, JulesL`Homere de Platonda
2624CarteLAC1.1Lacrosse, JoachimLa philosophie de Plotin. Intellect et discursivitenu
2625CarteLAC2.1LactantiusVon den Todesarten der Verfolger et al.da