
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
2111CarteGRA6.3Graham, W. DanielExplaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophynu
2112CarteGRA6.1.1Graham, W. Daniel (ed.)The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part Ida
2113CarteGRA6.1.2Graham, W. Daniel (ed.)The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part IIda
2114CarteGRA3.1Grammont, MauricePHONETIQUE DU GREC ANCIENda
2115CarteGRA4.1Granarolo, JeanD`Ennius a Catulle. Recherches sur les antecedents romains de la "poesie nouvelle"da
2116Articolx-gra2.1Granel GerardLudwig Wittgenstein ou Le refus de la couronneda
2117CarteLIC1.1Granius LicinianusRelivaeda
2118Articolx-gra3.1Grant, EdwardThe translation of Greek an Arabic Science into Latinda
2119CarteGRA5.1Grant, Jeanne E. For the Common Good. The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolutionda
2120CarteGRA7.1Grasso, Christian; Miglio, Massimo (eds.)Eretico ed erotico nel Medioevo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Roma, 1-2 dicembre 2016)da