
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1951CarteFLO1.1Florus Epitomaeda
1952CarteFON1.1Fontaine, JacquesNaissance de la poésie dans l'occident chrétien: esquisse d'une histoire de la poésie latine chrétienne du IIIe au VIe siècleda
1953CarteFOR1.1Forthomme, BernardLa pensée franciscaine : un seuil de la modernitéda
1954CarteFOS1.1Foscati, Alessandra; Dopfel, Constanza Gilson; Parmeggiani, Antonella (eds.)Nascere. Il parto dalla tarda antichita all'eta modernada
1955CarteFOU2.1Fournier, PaulÉtudes sur Joachim de Fiore et ses doctrinesda
1956CarteALF2.1Francesco AlfieriProblema individualităţii. Prezenţa lui Duns Scotus în gândirea lui Edith Steinda
1957CarteMAZ1.1Francesco Mazzoni (ed.)Il Boccaccio nelle culture e letterature nazionalida
1958CartePET2.5Francesco PetrarcaCătre mai vestiţii înaintaşi / Antiquis illustrioribusnu
1959CartePET2.4Francesco PetrarcaDe ignorantia. Della mia ignoranza e di quella di moltri altrida
1960CarteFRA1.1Francis of AssisiEcritsda
1961CarteRUE1.1Francis Ruello/Luca BianchiLes "noms divins" et leurs "raisons" selon Albert le Grand commentateur du "De divinis nominibus"/L'errore di Aristotele - la polemica contro l'eternita del mondo nel XIII secoloda
1962CarteVIA3.1Francis Vian. Elie BattegayLexique de quintus de smyrneda
1963CarteSUA1.1Francisco SuarezDisputazioni metaphisiche,I-IIIda
1964CarteMAY1.1Franciscus de MayronisKommentar zum Ersten Buch der Sentenzenda
1965CarteFRA5.1Frank, Daniel H. ; Leaman, Oliver ; Manekin, Charles Harry (eds.)The Jewish philosophy readerda
1966Articolx-fra1.2Frankel, HermannZeno of Elea's Attacks on Pluralityda
1967CarteFRA2.1Frankel, HermannEinleitung zur kritischen ausgabe der Argonautika des Apolloniosda
1968CarteBLA3.1Franz BlattPrecis de Syntaxe Latineda
1969CarteFRA4.1Fraţii PurităţiiEpistolele despre logicăda
1970ArticolX-fre1.1Frede, MichaelLa Theorie Aristotelicienne de L'intellect Agentda
1971CarteFRE2.1FredegisusDespre substanta nimicului si a intunericuluida
1972CarteFRE3.1Fredouille, Jean-ClaudeTertullien et la conversion de la culture antiqueda
1973CarteFRE3.2Fredouille, Jean-ClaudeTertullien et la conversion de la culture antiqueda
1974Articolx-sch8Fredric W. SchlatterIsocrates, against the Sophists,16da
1975CarteFRE1.2Frenkian, Aram M.La methode hippocratique dans le Phedre de Platonda
1976CarteFRE1.1Frenkian, Aram M.Le monde homerique. Essai de protophilosophie grecqueda
1977CarteFRE5.1Freudenthal, GadScience in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditionsda
1978CarteFRE4.1Freyburger, GerardFides. Etude semantique et religieuse depuis les origines jusqu`a l`epoque augusteenneda
1979CarteFRI2.1.1Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.)Corpus Iuris Canonici. Pars priorda
1980CarteKIR2.1.6Friedhelm WinkelmannKirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/06da
1981CarteFRI1.1.1Friedman, Russell L.Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 1da
1982CarteFRI1.1.2Friedman, Russell L.Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 2da
1983CarteFRI1.2Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.)Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
1984CarteTWNT5Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 5da
1985CarteTWNT6Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 6da
1986CarteTWNT7Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 7da
1987CarteTWNT8Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 8da
1988CarteTWNT9Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 9da
1989CarteFRO1.1Fronterotta, F; Leszl, W. (ed.)Eidos - Ideada
1990CarteFUC1.1Fuchs, Franz Venedig und der oberdeutsche Buchmarkt um 1500 da
1991CarteFUM1.1Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Parodi, MassimoStoria della filosofia medievale: da Boezio a Wyclifda
1992CarteFUM1.2Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Simonetta, Stefano (eds.)John Wyclif: logica, politica, teologiada
1993CarteFUN1.2Funkenstein, AmosTheology and the scientific imagination from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth centuryda
1994CarteFUR1.1Furley, David J.Two studies in the greek atomistsda
1995CarteFUR2.1Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.)From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle agesda
1996CarteHOM1.8.1G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4)da
1997CarteHOM1.8.2G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II (Books 5-8)nu
1998CarteGAD1.2Gadamer, Hans-GeorgL'idée du bien comme enjeu platonico-aristotélicien: suivi de Le savoir pratique da
1999CarteGAD1.1Gadamer, Hans-GeorgLa nuova interpretazione di Platoneda
2000CarteALG1.1Gadi Algazi, Valentin Groebner, Bernhard Jussen (eds.)Negotiation the Gift. Premodern Figuration of Exchangeda