
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1851CarteDYS1.1Dyson, HenryProlepsis and Ennoia in the early Stoada
1852CarteBOS1.1E. P. Bos, P. A. MeijerOn Proclus and his influence in medieval philosophyda
1853CarteEBB2.1.3Ebbesen, StenGreek-Latin philosophical interactionda
1854ArticolX-ebb1.1Ebbesen, Sten Philoponus, 'Alexander' and the origins of medieval logicda
1855CarteEBB2.1.1Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.)A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 1. Indroduction and indicesnu
1856CarteEBB2.1.2Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.) A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 2. Cataloguenu
1857CarteEBB1.1Ebbott, MaryImagining illegitimacy in classical Greek literatureda
1858CarteECK2.1Eck, Bernard La mort rouge. Homicide, guerre et souillure en Grece ancienneda
1859CarteECK1.2Eckhart, MeisterIntrebari pariziene si alte scrierinu
1860CarteECK1.1Eckhart, MeisterL'étincelle de l'âme. Sermons I a X X Xda
1861CarteECO1.1Eco, UmbertoLa recherche de la langue parfaite : dans la culture européenneda
1862Articolx-sch10Edward SchiappaDid Plato Coin Rhetorikeda
1863CarteEGY1.1Egyed, PéterA szabadság a filozófiábanda
1864CarteEGY1.2Egyed, PéterLátleletda
1865Articolx-ein1.1Einarson, BenedictAristotle's Protrepticus and the Structure of the Epinomisda
1866CarteEIN1.1EinhardVita Karoli Magni / Das Leben Karls des Grossenda
1867CarteELR1.1El-Rouayheb, KhaledThe development of Arabic logic (1200-1800)da
1868ArticolX-eld1.1Elders, LeoSaint Thomas d'Aquin et la metaphysique du "Liber de causis"da
1869CarteELI1.1Elia, S. D'Letteratura latina cristianada
1870CarteELI2.1Eliade, Mircea Yoga. Eseu asupra originilor misticii indiene (1936)da
1871CarteEME2.1Emerson, Jan Swango; Feiss, Hugh (eds.)Imagining heaven in the Middle Ages : a book of essaysnu
1872CarteEME1.2Emery, Kent; Courteney, William (eds.)Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courtsda
1873CarteEME1.1Emery, Kent; Friedman, Russell (eds)Philosophy and theology in the long middle agesda
1874CarteEMI1.1Emilsson, Eyjolfur KjalarPlotinus on Sense-Perception: A Philosophical Studyda
1875ArticolX-end1.1Endres, Joseph AntonPetrus Damiani Und Die Weltliche Wissenschaftda
1876CarteENE1.1Enenkel, Karl A.E.; Göttler, Christine Solitudo: spaces, places, and times of solitude in late medieval and early modern culturesnu
1877CarteENY1.1Enyedi, GyorgyPredikaciok (vol. I)da
1878CarteEPH1.1Ephram des SyrersHymnen gegen din Irrlehrenda
1879CarteEPH1.2Ephram des SyrersAusgewalhte Schriftenda
1880CarteEPI2.3.1EpictetOpera Omnia (Conversaţii, Manualul, Fragmente, Gnomologion)da
1881CarteEPI2.2EpictetHandbuechlein der Moralda
1882CarteEPI1.1EpicurEpistulae tres et ratae sententiaeda
1883CarteEPI1.3EpicurBriefe. Spruche. Werkfragmenteda
1884CarteEPI3.1Epiphanius von SalamisAusgewalhte Schriftenda
1885CarteERI2.1Erismann, ChristopheL'homme communda
1886CarteERL1.1Erler, Michael; Brisson, Luc (eds.)Gorgias-Menonda
1887CarteERL2.1Erll, Astrid; Nünning, Ansgar (eds.)A companion to cultural memory studiesnu
1888CarteERM1.1Erman, AdolfDie Hieroglyphenda
1890CarteERN1.2Ernout, Alfred; Thomas, FrancoisSyntaxe Latineda
1891CarteEUC1.4EuclidThe thirteen books of Euclid's elements ; the works of Archimedes, including The Methods ; On conic sectionsda
1892CarteEUC1.1EuclideTutte le opereda
1893CarteEUG1.1EugippiusVita Sancti Severini / Das Leben des heiligen Severinda
1896CarteEUR1.3EuripideIphigenie a Aulisda
1899CarteEUS1.1.2Eusebius von CaesareaDes Eusebius Pamphili Bischofs von Cäsarea Kirchengeschichte (Band II)da
1900CarteEUS1.1.1Eusebius von CaesareaDes Eusebius Pamphili Bischofs von Cäsarea ausgewählte Schriften (I)da