
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1811CarteDIO5.1Dionysius PeriegetesIxenticon seu de Aucupio Libri Tresda
1812CarteDIX1.2Dixsaut, MoniqueLe naturel philosophe. Essai sur le Dialogues de Platonda
1813Articolx-dob1.1Dobbs, Darrel Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialecticda
1814CarteDOD1.2Dodds, E. R.Les Grecs et l'irrationnelda
1815CarteDOD1.1Dodds, E. R. et aliiLes sources de Plotinda
1816ArticolX-dod1.1Dodds, E.R. The Parmenides of Plato and the origin of the neoplatonic" One"da
1817CarteDOG1.1Doganis, CarineAux origines de la corruption. Democratie et delation en Grece anciennenu
1818CarteDOL1.1Dolezalova, L; Kiss, F. G.; Wojcik, R.The Art of Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe (Czech lands, Hungary, Poland)nu
1819CarteDOM1.1Domanski, JuliuszLa philosophie, theorie ou maniere de vivre?da
1820ArticolX-don2.1Donati, SilviaA new witness to the radical aristotelianism condemned by Etienne Tempier in 1277da