1501 | Carte | CAE1.2 | Caius Iulius Caesar | De bello civili | da |
1502 | Carte | VIC1.1 | Caius Iulius Victor | Ars Rhetorica | da |
1503 | Articol | x-caj1.10 | Cajori, Florian | The Purpose of Zeno's Arguments on Motion | da |
1504 | Articol | x-caj1.1 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1505 | Articol | x-caj1.2 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1506 | Articol | x-caj1.3 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1507 | Articol | x-caj1.6 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1508 | Articol | x-caj1.7 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1509 | Articol | x-caj1.8 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1510 | Articol | x-caj1.9 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
1511 | Carte | CAL1.1 | Calcidius | Commentario al Timeo di Platone | da |
1512 | Carte | CAL2.2 | Calma, Dragoş | Etudes sur le premier siecle de l'averroisme latin | da |
1513 | Carte | CAL2.1 | Calma, Dragoş | Le Poids de la citation. Etudes sur les sources arabes et grecques dans l'oeuvre de Dietrich de Freiberg | da |
1514 | Articol | X-cal2.3 | Calma, Dragos | Pologne - le groupe de Cracovie | da |
1515 | Carte | CAL2.3.1 | Calma, Dragos (ed.) | Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages. I. New Commentaries on Liber de causis | da |
1516 | Articol | X-cal2.2 | Calma, Dragos ; Imbach, Ruedi | A fifteenth-century metaphysical treatise: preliminary remarcs on the colliget principiorum of Heymericus de Campo | da |
1517 | Carte | CAL2.3.2 | Calma, Dragos(ed.) | Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages II. New Commentaries on Liber de causis and Elementatio Theologica | da |
1518 | Carte | CAL2.4 | Calma, Dragos; Coccia, Emanuele (eds.) | Les sectatores Averrois. Noetique et cosmologie aux XIIIe-XIVe siecles | da |
1519 | Articol | X-cal1.1 | Calma, Monica | La connaissance philosophique de la Trinite selon Pierre D'Ailly et la fortune medievale de la proposition "Monas genuit monadem" | da |
1520 | Carte | CAL3.1 | Calogero, Guido | I fondamenti della logica Aristotelica | da |
1521 | Carte | CAL4.1.1 | Calvin, Jean | Învăţătura religiei creştine vol. I | da |
1522 | Carte | CAL4.1.2 | Calvin, Jean | Învăţătura religiei creştine vol. II | da |
1523 | Carte | CAM2.1 | Campbell, Richard | Rethinking Anselm's arguments. A vindication of his proof of the existence of God | da |
1524 | Carte | CAM3.1 | Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.) | Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influences | nu |
1525 | Carte | CAM3.1#2 | Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.) | Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influences | da |