
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
1486CarteROR1.1Rorem, Paul Hugh (Hugo) of Saint Victorda
1487ArticolX-poi1.4Poirel. DominiqueHugo von Sankt Viktorda
1488CarteSIC1.1 Siccard, PatriceHugues de Saint Victor et son ecoleda
1489CartePOI1.1Poirel, DominiqueHugues de Saint-Victorda
1490CarteCHR5.1Iohannes ChrysostomusHuit catecheses baptismalesda
1491CarteKRA2.1Kraemer, Joel L.Humanism in the renaissance of Islam: the cultural revival during the Buyid ageda
1492CarteMAR16.19Maritain, Jacques Humanisme integralda
1493CarteHUM1.1Humbertus de PrulliacoHumbertus de Prulliaco, Sententia super librum Metaphisice Aristotelis, Liber I-Vda
1494ArticolX-rin1.1Rini, AdrianeHupo in the Prior Analytics: a note on Disamis XLLda
1495CarteEPH1.1Ephram des SyrersHymnen gegen din Irrlehrenda