
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
1381CarteBOU9.1A. Bourgery, H. YvonGrammaire Latine Elementaire avec exercicesda
1382CarteAVE1.9Averroès (Ibn Rušd)Grand commentaire (Tafsīr) de la Métaphysique. Livre Bêtada
1383CarteAVE1.1AverroesGrand commentaire sur le traité de l'Ame d'Aristoteda
1384CarteOGL1.1Ogliari, D. Gratia et certamen. The Relationship between Grace and Free Will in the Discussion of Augustine with the so-called Semipelagiansnu
1385ArticolX-imb1.3#1Imbach, RuediGravis iactura verae doctrinaeda
1386Articolx-imb1.3#2Imbach RuediGravis iactura verae doctrinaeda
1387ArticolX-bre1.1Brecher, RobertGreatness' in Anselm's Ontological Argumentda
1388CarteGUT1.1Gutas, DimitriGreek philosophers in the Arabic tradition da
1389CarteLID1.1H. G. Lidell and R. ScottGreek-English Lexicon, with a Revised Supplementda
1390CarteEBB2.1.3Ebbesen, StenGreek-Latin philosophical interactionda
1391Articolx-bow1.1Bowie, E.L. Greeks and their Past in the Second Sophisticda
1392CarteGAU3.1Gauthier, Nancy; Galinie, Henry (eds.)Gregoire de Tours et l'espace gauloisda
1393CarteHEN1.1Henne, PhilippeGregoire le Grandda
1394CarteNYS1.3 Dörrie, H.; Altenburger,M.; Schramm, U. (ed.)Gregor von Nyssa und die Philosophie da
1395CarteGRE3.3***Gregorio da Rimini filosofoda
1396CarteLEO1.2Leonardi, ClaudioGregorio Magno e le Origini dell'Europada
1397CarteBUR5.1Burckhardt, JakobGriechische Kulturgeschichte. Der griechische Menschda
1398CarteSTO2.1Storf, Remigius (tr.)Griechischen Liturgienda
1399CarteMER1.1 Merkerlbach, Reinhold; Thiel, Helmut van Griechisches Leseheftda
1400CarteKRU1.1Krüger, MaxGriechisches Ubungsbuchda
1401CarteFID1.2Fidora, Alexander (ed.)Guido Terreni, O. Carm (m. 1342): Studies and Textsda
1402CarteCON1.2Obrist, Barbara; Caiazzo, Irene (eds.)Guillaume de Conches: Philosophie et science au XIIe siècleda
1403CarteLON1.1Long, Anthony A.Handbuch frühe griechische Philosophieda
1404CarteEPI2.2EpictetHandbuechlein der Moralda
1405Articolx-mor2.1Morris, Charles W.Has Russel Passed the Tortoise?da