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Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
1CarteRAN1.1Randolph Daniel, E.Abbot Joachim of Fiore and Joachinismda
2CarteMON2.1Monson, Don A.Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism and the courtly traditionda
3CarteMAR2.2Marenbon, John (ed.)Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Agesda
4CarteCON1.2Obrist, Barbara; Caiazzo, Irene (eds.)Guillaume de Conches: Philosophie et science au XIIe siècleda
5CarteGRO1.1Robert GrossetesteHexaëmeronda
6CarteOCK1.1.4Guillelmus de OckhamOpera Politica IVda
7CarteCRO1.1Crombie, A. C.Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100-1700nu
8CarteGIL1.3Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval StudiesThe Gilson lectures on Thomas Aquinasda
9CarteNIE1.1Niederbacher, Bruno; Leibold, Gerhard (Hg.)Theologie als Wissenschaft in Mittelalterda