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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1CarteDAH1.2Dahan, GilbertLire la Bible au moyen âge : essais d'herméneutique médiévaleda
2CarteDAH1.3Dahan, GilbertL'exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval : XIIe-XIVe siècle nu
3CarteDIL2.1Dillon, MatthewGirls and women in classical greek religionda
4CarteREH1.1Rehm, RushMarriage to Death, The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Greek Tragedyda
5CarteSTE5.1Stern, Josef Problems and parables of law da
6CarteYEH1.1Yĕhūdāh hal-LēwīDas Buch al-Chazari des Abû-L-Ḥasan Jehuda Hallewi da