
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
391CarteMCE1.1 McEvoy, JamesRobert Grosseteste et la theologie a l'Universite d'Oxford (1190-1250)da
392CarteMCG3.1 McGinn, BernardApocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarolada
393CarteMEI2.1Meier, Christel; Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina (eds.)Prophetie und Autorschaft : Charisma, Heilsversprechen und Gefährdungda
394CarteMEI3.1Meiroşu, AncaMagia în literatura latină din epoca imperială timpurie (sec. I-II d. Hr.)da
395CarteMEL1.1.1Roman MelodulHymnes (Tome I: Ancien Testament I-VIII)da
396CarteMEL3.1Melamed, AvrahamThe Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Thoughtda
397CarteMGH/LHL***Lateinisches Hexameter-Lexikonda
398CarteMIC3.1Michaud-Quatin, PierreLa psychologie de l'activite chez Albert le Grandnu
399CarteMIH1.1Constantin-Ionut MihaiDiscurs protreptic şi mod de viaţă în filosofia anticăda
400CarteMON3.1Monagle, ClareOrthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theologyda
401CarteMOR2.1Moraux, PaulKritisch-exegetisches zu Aristotelesda
402CarteMOR4.1Mora-Marquez, Ana María The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification. The Discussions and their Origin and Developmentda
403CarteMOR5.1Morris, IanWhy the West rules - for now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the futureda
404CarteMOR6.1 Morris, ColinThe discovery of the individual, 1050-1200da
405CarteMUL1.1Müller, Gernot Michael; Zini, Fosca Mariani (eds.)Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektivenda
406CarteMUR1.1Murano, GiovannaCopisti a Bologna (1265-1270)da
407CarteMUS5.1Mussatus, AlbertinusDe gestis italicorum post Henricum VII Cesarem (libri I-VII)da
408CarteNAR1.1Narbonne, Jean-Marc; Reckermann, Alfons (ed.)Pensees de l'"Un" dans l'histoire de la philosophieda
409CarteNAR1.2Narbonne, Jean-MarcLevinas et l'heritage grecda
410CarteNAR1.3Narbonne, Jean-MarcLa métaphisique de Plotinda
411CarteNAR1.4Narbonne, Jean-Marc Hénologie, ontologie et Ereignis (Plotin, Proclus, Heidegger)da
412CarteNAZ1.1Gregor von NazianzReden 1-20da
413CarteNEB1.1Nebbiai-Dalla Guarda, DonatellaDu copiste au collectionneur. Bibliologia 18nu
414CarteNES1.1Ada Babette Neschke-HentschkeCallimachus IIda
415CarteNIC1.1#1Autrécourt, Nicolas d'Correspondance, articles condamnés [1335-1336]da