
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
861CarteAEG1.3Aegidius de RomaExpositio super authorum de causisda
862CarteAEG1.1Aegidius de RomaErrores philosophorumda
863CarteAEG1.2Aegidius de RomaTheoremata de esse et essentiada
864CarteAEL1.1AELIANIPORPHYRII PHILOSOPHI De Abstinentia et de Antro Nympharum. PHILONIS BYZANTII De Septem Orbis Spectaculisda
865CarteAER1.2.2Aertsen, Ian A. (ed.); et al.Individuum und Individualitat im Mitteralterda
866CarteAER1.2.1Aertsen, Ian A. (ed.); et al.Individuum und Individualitat im Mitteralterda
867CarteAER1.5Aertsen, Jan Medieval Philosophy and the transcendentals. The case of Thomas Aquinasda
868CarteAER1.1Aertsen, Jan (Ed.)What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?da
869CarteAER1.4Aertsen, Jan. A.Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought, from Philip the Cancellor (ca.1225) to Francisco Suarezda
870CarteAER1.3Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.)After the Condemnation of 1277da