
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
3996CarteSCH5.1Schabel, ChristopherTheology at Paris 1316-1345, Peter Auriol and the Problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingentsnu
3997CarteMAR16.37Maritain, JacquesTheonasda
3998CarteTHE7.1Theophylactus SimocattaTheophylacti Simocattae Historiaeda
3999CarteAEG1.2Aegidius de RomaTheoremata de esse et essentiada
4000CartePER2.1Perler, DominikThéories de l'intentionalité au moyen âgenu
4001CarteHOF4.1Hoffmann, Philippe; Timotin, Andrei (eds.)Théories et pratiques de la prière à la fin de l'antiquitéda
4002CartePAS1.1Pasnau, RobertTheories of cognition in the Later Middle Agesda
4003CarteNUC1.1Nuchelmans, GabrielTheories of the Proposition. Ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity da
4004CarteMAN3.1Manetti, GiovanniTheories of the sign in classical antiquityda
4005CarteHAM1.9Hamesse, J. (ed.)Thesaurus Librorum Sententiarum Petri Lombardida