
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3701ArticolX-sch5.8Schabel, C.Notes on a Recent Edition of Parts of Francis of Marchia's in Primum Librum Sententiarumda
3702ArticolX-sch5.9Schabel, C.Unpublished Documents from the Papal Nuncio Raymond of Pinsda
3703Articolx-sch5.20Schabel, C.Early carmelites between giantsda
3704ArticolX-sch5.7Schabel, C. si Friedman, R. L.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Sentences: Question List and State of Researchda
3705ArticolX-sch5.10Schabel, C. si Minervini, L.The French and Latin Dossier on the Institution of the Governments of Amaury of Lusignanda
3706ArticolSCH5.3Schabel, ChristopherDominican Anti-Thomism: James of Metz's Question on DIvine Foreknowledge with a rebuttal from the Correctorium Iacobi Metensisda
3707CarteSCH5.1Schabel, ChristopherTheology at Paris 1316-1345, Peter Auriol and the Problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingentsnu
3708CarteSCH5.2Schabel, Christopher (ed.)Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century.da
3709CarteSCH1.1Schachten, Winfried H. J. Ordo salutis : das Gesetz als Weise der Heilsvermittlung ; zur Kritik des hl. Thomas von Aquin an Joachim von Fioreda
3710CarteSCH14.1Schaefer, Christina Das Haus schreiben : Bewegungen ökonomischen Wissens in der Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit da