
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
2076CarteMAS1.1Masai, FrançoisPléthon et le platonisme de Mistrada
2077CarteMAT1.1Matheus de AquaspartaQuestiones disputatae de anima XIIIda
2078CarteMAT1.2Matheus de AquaspartaIntrebari despre cunostereda
2079CarteMAT2.1Mathaeus de CracoviaDe contractibus (De translacione rerum temporalium)da
2080CarteMAT2.2Mathaeus de CracoviaRationale divinorum operumda
2081CarteMAT3.1Mattéi, Jean-FrançoisPlaton et le miroir du mythe: de l'âge d'or à l'Atlantide da
2082CarteMAT3.2Mattéi, Jean-FrançoisLa naissance de la raison en Greceda
2083CarteMAU1.1Maurer, Armand A.Medieval Philosophy da
2084CarteMAX1.1Maxim MarturisitorulDespre calcularea datei Paştilorda
2085CarteMAY1.1Franciscus de MayronisKommentar zum Ersten Buch der Sentenzenda
2086CarteMAZ1.1Francesco Mazzoni (ed.)Il Boccaccio nelle culture e letterature nazionalida
2087CarteMCC1.1 Mcclive, Cathy Menstruation and Procreation in Early Modern Franceda
2088CarteMCE1.1 McEvoy, JamesRobert Grosseteste et la theologie a l'Universite d'Oxford (1190-1250)da
2089CarteMCE1.2McEvoy, JamesMystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De Mystica Theologiada
2090CarteMCG1.1McGrath, S. J. The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophyda
2091CarteMCG2.1McGrade, Arthur S. ; Killcullen, John ; Kempshall, Matthew (ed.)The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, Volume Two: Ethics and Political Philosophyda
2092CarteMCG3.1 McGinn, BernardApocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarolada
2093CarteMCG4.1 McGinnis, Jon; Reisman, David C. (transl.)Classical Arabic Philosophy: an Anthology of Sourcesda
2094CarteMCI1.1McInerney, Maud Burnett (ed.)Hildegard of Bingen: a Book of Essaysda
2095CarteMCT1.1Mctavish, LianneChildbirth and the Display of Authority in Early Modern France da
2096CarteMCW1.1McWebb, ChristineDebating the roman de la roseda
2097CarteMedEn24Medieval Encountersda
2098CarteMEE1.1Meerseman, G.Laurentii Pignon Catalogi et Chronica accedunt Catalogi Stamnensis et Upsalensis Scriptorumda
2099CarteMEE2.1.1Meer, Frits van derSaint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 1da
2100CarteMEE2.1.2Meer, Frits van derSaint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 2da