
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1881CarteLOM1.2.2Magistri Petri Lombardi, parisiensis episcopiSententiae in IV libris distinctae, Tomus II, Lib. III-IVda
1882CarteLOM1.3.1Pierre LombardLes quatres livres des Sentences. Premier Livreda
1883CarteLOM1.3.2Pierre LombardLes quatres livres des Sentences. Deuxieme Livreda
1884CarteLOM1.3.3Pierre LombardLes quatres livres des Sentences. Troisieme Livreda
1885CarteLOM1.3.4Pierre LombardLes quatres livres des Sentences. Quatrieme Livreda
1886CarteLOM1.4.1Peter LombardThe Sentences, book 1: The mystery of the Trinityda
1887CarteLON1.1Long, Anthony A.Handbuch frühe griechische Philosophieda
1888CarteLON1.2Long, A. A.Problems in stoicismda
1889CarteLON1.3Long, Anthony ArthurEpictetus : a Stoic and Socratic guide to lifeda
1890CarteLON2.1Long, R. James; O'Carroll, MauraThe Life and Works of Richard Fishacre, OPda