
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
1296CarteARN2.1Hans von Arnim (ed.)Fragmentele stoicilor vechida
1297CarteNUM1.1NumeniusFragments, ed. Edouard des Placesda
1298CarteMAL4.1Malherbe, Michel ; Pousseur, Jean-Marie (ed.) Francis Bacon: science et méthode da
1299ArticolX-sch5.4Schabel, C.Francis of Marchia on Divine Ideasda
1300ArticolX-sch5.19Schabel C. , Papamarkou C. si Katsoura E.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 4 of the sentences. Traditions and Redactions, with Questions on Projectile Motion, Polygamy, and the Immortality of the Soulda
1301ArticolX-sch5.7Schabel, C. si Friedman, R. L.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Sentences: Question List and State of Researchda
1302CarteFRI1.2Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.)Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
1303CarteFS36***Franciscan Studiesda
1304CarteFS37***Franciscan Studiesda
1305CarteFS38***Franciscan Studiesda