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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
116CarteRUH1.1Ruhnkenius, David (ed.)Lexicon vocum Platonicarum. Timaios Sofistulda
117CarteSCH6.1Schuhl, Pierre-MaximePlaton et l'art de son temps (Arts plastiques)da
118CarteSEN1.4Seneca, Lucius AnnaeusDe vita beatada
119CarteSEN1.5Seneca, Lucius AnnaeusLettres morales a Lucilius (I - XVI)da
120CarteSEN1.6.1Seneca, Lucius AnnaeusOpera omnia Ida
121CarteSEN1.6.2Seneca, Lucius AnnaeusOpera omnia IIda
122CarteSPI2.1SpinozaDie Ethikda
123CarteSTE1.1Steno, NicolausAnatomical Observations of the glands of the eye and their new vessels thereby revealing the true source of tearsda
124CarteSTE2.1Stenzel, JuliusPlatone educatorenu
125CarteTAC1.3TacitusLa Germanieda