
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
91CarteSCO1.2Johannes Duns ScotusAbhandlung uber das erste Prinzipda
92ArticolX-hoe1.2Hoenen, M. Academics and intellectual life in the Low Countries. The university career of Heymericus de Campo († 1460) da
93Articolx-jon3.1 Jones, Philip ChapinAchilles and the Tortoiseda
94Articolx-sch9David S. SchwayderAchilles Unboundda
95CarteORI1.3.2.1OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IVda
96CarteORI1.3.2.2OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIIIda
97CarteZIC1.1#2Zickermann, KathrinAcross the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
98CarteZIC1.1#1Zickermann, Kathrin Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
99CarteMUS2.1Musurillo, H,Acta Alexandrinorumda
100CarteLEA1.1Leal, JerónimoActas Latinas de Mártires Africanosda
101CarteMIH2.1Mihailov, Emilian; Constantinescu, Mihaela; Flonta, Mircea (eds.)Acțiune și rațiuneda
102CarteCAR1.2Caroti, Stefano; Imbach, Ruedi; Kaluza, Zenon; Stabile, Giorgio; Sturlese, Loris (eds.)Ad ingenii acutionem. Studies in honour of Alfonso Mayeruda
103CarteSEN1.2.1SenecaAd Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vol. I (libri I-XIII)da
104CarteSEN1.2.2SenecaAd Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vol. II (libri XIV-XX)da
105CarteSEN1.3.3SenecaAd Lucilium Epistularum moralium quae supersuntda
106CarteMAR5.2[Marcus Aurelius] M. Antoninus ImperatorAd se ipsumda
107CarteMAR5.4Marcus AureliusAd se ipsum libri XII (ed. Dalfen) da
108Articolx-lag1.1Lagarde, George de Adaptation de la politique d'Aristoteda
109CarteDUF1.1Dufraigne, PierreAdventus Augusti, adventus Christida
110CarteBOU5.1Boulanger, AndreAelius Aristide et la sophistique dans la province d' Asie au IIe siecle de notre ereda
111CarteHOR2.1P. W. Van Der HorstAelius Aristides And The New Testamentda
113CartePET2.3.1PetrarcaAfrica I-Vda
114CarteAER1.3Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.)After the Condemnation of 1277da
115CartePHI1.6PhiloponusAgainst Aristotle, on the Eternity of the Worldda