
Nr. TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
871CarteBON1.5BonaventuraDespre reducerea artelor la teologieda
872Articolx-mee1.1 Meersseman, G.Een Nederlandsch Koncilientheoloog - Emeric Van de Velde († 1460)da
873CartePOR2.4PorfirComentariu la dialogul Parmenide de Platonda
874Articolx-bal1.1Balberghe, Emile vanSylvain van de Weyer et la vente des manuscrits de Parc in 1829da
875CarteAL1.1AristotelCategoriae vel Praedicamenta (Aristoteles)da
876Articolx-saf1.3Saffrey, Henri-DominiqueProclus, diadoque de Platonda
877CarteAL1.6AristotelCategoriarum supplementa. Pophyrii Isagoge translatio Boethii et Anonymi fragmentum vulgo vocatumda
878Articolx-sch5.21Chris SchabelThe Quaestiones Libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Receptionda
879CarteAL2.1AristotelDe interpretatione vel periermenias (Aristoteles)da
880ArticolSCH5.3Schabel, ChristopherDominican Anti-Thomism: James of Metz's Question on DIvine Foreknowledge with a rebuttal from the Correctorium Iacobi Metensisda
881CarteAL3.1AristotelAnalytica priora (Aristoteles)da
882ArticolX-mom1.1Mommsen, Theodor E.Petrarch`s conception of the "Dark ages"da
883CarteAL5.1AristotelTopica (Aristoteles)da
884ArticolX-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
885CarteAL6.1AristotelDe sophisticis elenchis (Aristoteles)da
886ArticolX-ver1.1#2 Verbeke, Gerard Les progres de l'Aristotel latin: Le cas du De Animada
887CarteAL9.1AristotelDe generatione et corruptione (Aristoteles)da
888ArticolX-ada1.1#2Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
889CarteAL10.1AristotelMeteorologica (Aristoteles)da
890Articolx-bla1.2#2Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
891CarteAL10.2.1AristotelMeteorologica (Aristoteles)da
892ArticolX-fla1.1#2Flasch, KurtKennt die mittelalterliche Philosophie die konstitutive Funktion des menschlichen Denkens? Eine Untersuchung zu Dietrich von Freibergda
893CarteAL10.2.2AristotelMeteorologica (Aristoteles)da
894ArticolX-had1.3#2Hadot, PierreLa distiction de l'étre et de l'éfant dans le "De hebdomadibus" de Boéceda
895ArticolX-kuk1.1#2Kukkonen, TaneliPlenitude, Possibility and the limits of reason: A Medieval Arabic debate on the metaphysics of natureda