831 | Articol | X-car3.1 | Carreras y Artau, Joaquín | Influencia de Ramon Llull en pensamiento teologico-filosofico de los siglos XIV y XV | da |
832 | Carte | AVE1.2 | Averroes | Über den Intellekt | da |
833 | Carte | SZL1.1 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | La Republica di Platone. I Libri centrali | da |
834 | Articol | X-nar1.2 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc | La methaphysique de Plotin | da |
835 | Carte | SAL2.1 | Johannes Sarisberiensis | Policraticus | da |
836 | Carte | BAC1.2 | Roger Bacon | Opus maius | da |
837 | Articol | X-blu1.6 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern? | da |
838 | Carte | SIG1.1 | Siger din Brabant | Quaestiones in tertium De anima | da |
839 | Articol | X-blu1.4 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memory | da |
840 | Articol | x-arm1.1 | Armstrong, A. H. | Form, Individual and Person in Plotinus | da |