821 | Carte | RHPR97.1 | *** | Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses | da |
822 | Carte | RRDPI14.1 | *** | Revista română de dreptul proprietății intelectuale | da |
823 | Carte | Orie46 | *** | ORIENS. Journal of Philosophy, Theology and Science in the Islamic Societies | da |
824 | Carte | VAL2.1 | - | Excrepta Valensiana | da |
825 | Carte | SEQ1.1 | - | Vibius Sequester | da |
826 | Carte | BOB1.1 | - | Epigrammata Bobiensia | da |
827 | Carte | DEC1.1 | - | Decretales Gregorii P. IX, Liber sextus Decretalium Bonifacii P. VIII, Clementis P. V Constitutiones, Extravagantes tum viginti Ioannis P. XXII tum Communes | da |
828 | Carte | BIB2.1.7 | - | Biblia Sacra Vulgata, vol. VII (Evangheliile, Faptele Apostolilor) | da |
829 | Carte | BOU9.1 | A. Bourgery, H. Yvon | Grammaire Latine Elementaire avec exercices | da |
830 | Carte | HOM1.9.2 | A. Heubeck, A.Hoekstra | A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. II | da |
831 | Carte | HOM1.9.3 | A. Heubeck, M. Fernandez-Galiano, J. Russo | A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. III | nu |
832 | Carte | HOM1.9.1 | A. Heubeck, S. West, J.B. Hainsworth | A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. I | da |
833 | Carte | JAG1.1.10#2 | A. Kozlowska, L. Nowak, A. Sobanska, R. Tatarzynski, W. Zega, M. Zwiercan | Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum medii aevi latinorum qui in bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae asservantur, vol. 10 | da |
834 | Carte | JAG1.1.10#1 | A. Kozlowska, L. Nowak, A. Sobanska, R. Tatarzynski, W. Zega, M. Zwiercan | Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum medii aevi latinorum qui in bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae asservantur, vol. 10 | da |
835 | Carte | PER6.1 | A. Persius et D. iunius Iuvenal | Saturae | da |
836 | Articol | X-vac1 | A. Vacant | Ange d'apres la Sainte Ecriture | da |
837 | Articol | X-aba1.1 | Abaelard, Peter; ed. Geyer, Bernhard | Incipiunt Glossae secundum magistrum Petrum Abaelardum super Porphyrium | da |
838 | Carte | ABE1.3 | Abelard, Pierre | Theologia Scholarium | da |
839 | Carte | ABE1.2 | Abelard, Pierre | Comentarii la Porfir. Despre universalii | da |
840 | Carte | ABE1.1 | Abelard, Pierre | De l'unite et de la Trinite divines (Theologia Summi Boni) | da |
841 | Carte | ABR1.1 | Abram, M; Dlabacova, A; Falque, I; Signore, G; | Mobilty of ideas and transmisson of texts | da |
842 | Carte | THE6.1 | Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg | Theatre Et Spectacles Dans L'Antiquite | da |
843 | Carte | BOU8.1 | Actes publies sous la direction de J.-P. Boucher | Journees d'Etudes sur les Aqueducs Romains | da |
844 | Carte | WOD1.1.1 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Librum Primum Sententiarum I (Prologus et Distinctio Prima) | da |
845 | Carte | WOD1.1.2 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum II (Distinctiones II-VII) | da |
846 | Carte | WOD1.1.3 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum III (Distinctiones VIII-XXVI) | da |
847 | Carte | ADA4.1 | Adams, J. N. | The vulgar Latin of the letters of Claudius Terentianus | da |
848 | Articol | X-ada1.1#2 | Adamson, Peter | Aristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinus | da |
849 | Articol | X-ada1.1#1 | Adamson, Peter | Aristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinus | da |
850 | Carte | ADA3.1 | Adamson, Peter | In the age of al-Fārābī: Arabic philosophy in the fourth/tenth century | nu |
851 | Carte | ADA3.1#2 | Adamson, Peter | In the age of al-Fārābī: Arabic philosophy in the fourth/tenth century | da |
852 | Carte | ADA3.2 | Adamson, Peter ed. | Philosophy and medicine in the formative period of Islam | da |
853 | Carte | ADA2.1 | Adămuț, Anton | Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas: Istoria spusei de la Homer la Tarski | da |
854 | Articol | x-adk1.1 | Adkins, A.W.H. | Arete, Techne, Democracy and Sophists: Protagoras 316b-328d | da |
855 | Articol | x-adl1.1 | Adler, Mortimer J. | Angel | da |
856 | Carte | ADO1.1.3 | Adorno, Francesco | La filosofia antica: Pensiero, culture e concezioni religiose. II secolo a.C.-II secolo d.C. (vol. III) | da |
857 | Carte | ADO1.1.4 | Adorno, Francesco | La filosofia antica: Cultura, filosofia, politica e religiosita. II-VI secolo d.C (vol. IV) | da |
858 | Carte | ADO1.1.2 | Adorno, Francesco | La filosofia antica: Filosofia, cultura, scuole tra Aristotele e Augusto. IV-II secolo a.C. (vol. II) | da |
859 | Carte | PAP1.3 | Adrian Papahagi | Wyrd. Ideea destinului în literatura engleză veche | da |
860 | Carte | HDK7 | Adrianyi, Gabriel | Die Weltkirche im 20. Jahrhundert | da |
861 | Carte | AEG1.3 | Aegidius de Roma | Expositio super authorum de causis | da |
862 | Carte | AEG1.1 | Aegidius de Roma | Errores philosophorum | da |
863 | Carte | AEG1.2 | Aegidius de Roma | Theoremata de esse et essentia | nu |
864 | Carte | AEL1.1 | AELIANI | PORPHYRII PHILOSOPHI De Abstinentia et de Antro Nympharum. PHILONIS BYZANTII De Septem Orbis Spectaculis | da |
865 | Carte | AER1.2.2 | Aertsen, Ian A. (ed.); et al. | Individuum und Individualitat im Mitteralter | da |
866 | Carte | AER1.2.1 | Aertsen, Ian A. (ed.); et al. | Individuum und Individualitat im Mitteralter | da |
867 | Carte | AER1.5 | Aertsen, Jan | Medieval Philosophy and the transcendentals. The case of Thomas Aquinas | da |
868 | Carte | AER1.1 | Aertsen, Jan (Ed.) | What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages? | da |
869 | Carte | AER1.4 | Aertsen, Jan. A. | Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought, from Philip the Cancellor (ca.1225) to Francisco Suarez | da |
870 | Carte | AER1.3 | Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.) | After the Condemnation of 1277 | da |