
Nr. TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
681Articolx-nie2.1 Nieuwenburg, Paul Learning to Deliberate: Aristotle on Truthfulnes and Public Deliberationda
682Articolx-nic1.1Nichols, Mary P.Aristotle's Defense of Rhetoricda
683Articolx-mol1.1Moline, Jon Aristotle, Eubulides and the Soritesda
684Articolx-kir2.1Kirwan, Christopher Aristotle and the So-called Fallacy of Equivocationda
685Articolx-sea1.1 Seaton, R.C.The Arsitotelian Enthymemeda
686Articolx-bar1.1 Barnes, JonathanAristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proofda
687Articolx-ein1.1Einarson, BenedictAristotle's Protrepticus and the Structure of the Epinomisda
688Articolx-cob1.1Coby, Patrick Aristotle's Four Conceptions of Politicsda
689Articolx-bar1.2Barnes, Jonathan Homonymy in Aristotle and Speusippusda
691Articolx-amb1.1Ambler, WayneAristotle on Nature and Politics: The Case of Slaveryda
692CarteARI1.2AristotelEthica Nicomacheada
693Articolx-bur1.1 Burke, Richard J.Aristotle on the Limits of Argumentda
694CarteARI1.3AristotelAristotelis Physicada
695Articolx-ros2.1 Rose, Lynn E.Aristotle's Syllogistic and the Fourth Figureda
696CarteATU1.1Atucha, Iñigo; Calma, Dragos; König-Pralong, Catherine; Zavattero, Irene (eds.)Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbachda
697Articolx-spa1.1Spalding, K.T. On the Sphere and Limit of the Aristotelian Logicda
698CarteBAC1.1Roger BaconThe art and science of logicda
699Articolx-kat1.1Kattsof, L. Concerning yhe Validity of Aristotelian Logicda
700Articolx-hes1.1 Hesse, Mary Aristotle's Logic of Analogyda
701CarteBAU1.2Baumgarten, Alexander; Cimpean, Adela (ed)Studii de Istoria Filosofiei dedicate profesorului Vasile Muscada
702Articolx-mor1.1Moravcsik, J.M.E. Aristotle on Predicationda
703CarteBAU1.3Baumgarten, AlexanderAproape de Toma. Studii de aristotelism si neoplatonism latinda
704Articolx-rit1.1Ritchie, A.D. A Defence of Aristotle's Logicda
705CarteBAU1.5Baumgarten, AlexanderBuna dimineata, filosofieda
706Articolx-ush1.1Ushenko, AndrewZeno's Paradoxesda
707CarteBAU1.8Baumgarten, AlexanderL'argument infinida
708Articolx-kin3.1King, Hugh R. Aristotle and the Paradoxes of Zenoda
709CarteBAU1.9Baumgarten, Alexander (ed)Studii tomiste Ida
710Articolx-boo1.2 Booth, N.Zenon's Paradoxesda
711CarteBER1.1Bereschi, Andrei (ed)Studii tomiste IIda
712Articolx-all1.1 Allis, Victor and Koetsier, TeunisOn some Paradoxes of the Infiniteda
713CarteBIS1.1Bisogno, ArmandoIl metodo carolingioda
714Articolx-all1.2Allis, Victor and Koetsier, TeunisOn some Paradoxes of the Infinite IIda
715CarteBRU2.1Brunschwig, Jacques (ed)Les stoïciens et leur logiquenu
716Articolx-ben2.1 Bendegem, Jean Paul VanZeno's Paradoxes and the Tile Argumentda
717CarteBUR1.1Burlando, G.De las pasiones en la filosofía medievalda
718Articolx-boo1.1 Booth, N.Two Point of Interpretation in Zenoda
719CarteBUR2.1Burnett, C.; Meirinhos, J.; Hamesse, J. (eds)Continuities and disruptions between the Middle Ages and the Renaissanceda
720Articolx-bro1.1 Broad, C.D.Note on Achilles and the Tortoiseda
721CarteCAN1.1Cantin, AndréFoi et dialectique au XIe siècleda
722Articolx-caj1.10Cajori, Florian The Purpose of Zeno's Arguments on Motionda
723CarteCAS1.1Cassin, BarbaraVocabulaire européen des philosophiesda
724Articolx-caj1.1Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
725CarteCAT1.1Catalani, LuigiI Porretanida
726Articolx-caj1.2Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
727CarteCHR1.1ChrysippeOeuvre philosophique (I)da
728Articolx-caj1.3Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
729CarteCHR1.2ChrysippeOeuvre philosophique (II)da
730Articolx-caj1.4 Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda