676 | Articol | x-wil4.1 | Williams, C.T.F. | Hic autem non est procedere in infinitum: quia sic non esset aliquod primum mouens; et per consequences nec aliquod aliud mouens, quia mouentia secunda non mouent nisi per hic quod sunt mota a primo mouente | da |
677 | Articol | x-adk1.1 | Adkins, A.W.H. | Arete, Techne, Democracy and Sophists: Protagoras 316b-328d | da |
678 | Articol | x-ack1.1 | Ackrill, J.L. | Plato and the Copula: Sophist 251-259 | da |
679 | Articol | x-whe1.1 | Wheeler, Marcus | Aristotle's Analysis of the Nature of Political Struggle | da |
680 | Articol | x-nov1.1 | Novak, Michael | Toward Understanding Aristotle's Categories | da |
681 | Articol | x-nie2.1 | Nieuwenburg, Paul | Learning to Deliberate: Aristotle on Truthfulnes and Public Deliberation | da |
682 | Articol | x-nic1.1 | Nichols, Mary P. | Aristotle's Defense of Rhetoric | da |
683 | Articol | x-mol1.1 | Moline, Jon | Aristotle, Eubulides and the Sorites | da |
684 | Articol | x-kir2.1 | Kirwan, Christopher | Aristotle and the So-called Fallacy of Equivocation | da |
685 | Articol | x-sea1.1 | Seaton, R.C. | The Arsitotelian Enthymeme | da |