Nr. | Tip | Cota | Autor | Titlu | Disponibil |
4201 | Carte | WOL1.1 | Wolter, Allan B. | The transcedentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotus | da |
4202 | Carte | WOO2.1 | Woodhouse, Christopher M. | George Gemistos Plethon : the last of the Hellenes | da |
4203 | Carte | WOO1.1 | Woozley, A. D. | LAW AND OBEDIENCE. The arguments of Plato`s Crito | da |
4204 | Carte | WRA1.1 | Wranovix, Matthew P. | Priests and their books in late medieval Eichstätt. Parish priests and their books | da |
4205 | Carte | WRI1.1 | Wriedt, Klaus | Schule Und Universitat (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) | da |
4206 | Carte | WUS1.1 | Wüsthof, Lucas | Schwabenspiegel und Augsburger Stadtrecht | da |
4207 | Carte | WYS1.1 | Wyser, Paul | Thomas von Aquin | da |
4208 | Carte | XEN1.2 | Xenophon | Memorabilia | da |
4209 | Carte | XEN1.4 | Xenophon | Institutio Cyri | da |
4210 | Carte | XEN1.5 | Xenophon | De Re Equestri | da |