4191 | Carte | WIL1.1 | William of Saint Amour | De periculis novissimorum temporum | nu |
4192 | Carte | WIL5.1 | Williams, David | Deformed discourse. The function of the monster in mediaeval thought and literature | da |
4193 | Articol | X-wil2.1 | Wilpert Paul von | Boethius von Dacien-Die autonomie des philosophen | da |
4194 | Carte | WIL2.1 | Wilpert, Paul (ed) | Die Metaphysik im Mittelalter | da |
4195 | Carte | WIL4.1#1 | Wilson, Malcolm | Structure and Method in Aristotle's Meteorologica. A more disorderly Nature | da |
4196 | Carte | WIL4.1#2 | Wilson, Malcolm | Structure and Method in Aristotle's Meteorologica. A More Disorderly Nature | nu |
4197 | Carte | WIN2.1 | Windelband, Wilhelm | Geschichte der Antiken Philosophie | da |
4198 | Carte | WIN1.1 | Winiarczyk, M. (ed.) | Diagoras Melius et Theodorus Cyrenaeus reliqviae | da |
4199 | Articol | x-wis1.1 | Wisdom, J.O. | Why Achilles does not Fail to Catch the Tortoise | da |
4200 | Carte | WIT1.1 | Witt, Ronald G. | The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy | nu |