4181 | Articol | X-wil2.1 | Wilpert Paul von | Boethius von Dacien-Die autonomie des philosophen | da |
4182 | Articol | X-wil3.1 | Wilks, Ian | Peter Abelard and the Metaphysics of Essential Predication | da |
4183 | Articol | x-wil4.1 | Williams, C.T.F. | Hic autem non est procedere in infinitum: quia sic non esset aliquod primum mouens; et per consequences nec aliquod aliud mouens, quia mouentia secunda non mouent nisi per hic quod sunt mota a primo mouente | da |
4184 | Articol | X-wip1.1 | Wippel, John F. | Siger of Brabant: What It Means to Proceed Philosophically | da |
4185 | Articol | x-wis1.1 | Wisdom, J.O. | Why Achilles does not Fail to Catch the Tortoise | da |
4186 | Articol | x-wol2.1 | Wolfsdorf, D. | The Historical Reader of Plato's Protagoras | da |
4187 | Articol | X-yol1.1 | Yolles, Julian | The rhethoric of simplicity: faith and rethoric in Peter Damian | da |
4188 | Articol | X-yol1.2 | Yolles, Julian | Rethinking Abelard | da |
4189 | Carte | XEN1.1 | Xenophon | Anabase (Morceaux choisis) | da |
4190 | Carte | XEN1.2 | Xenophon | Memorabilia | da |
4191 | Carte | XEN1.4 | Xenophon | Institutio Cyri | da |
4192 | Carte | XEN1.5 | Xenophon | De Re Equestri | da |
4193 | Carte | XEN1.6 | Xenophontis | Expeditio Cyri | da |
4194 | Carte | YEH1.1 | Yĕhūdāh hal-Lēwī | Das Buch al-Chazari des Abû-L-Ḥasan Jehuda Hallewi | da |
4195 | Carte | YEH1.2 | Yehudah ha-Leṿi | The Book of Kuzari | da |
4196 | Carte | YOU1.1 | Young, Spencer E. | Scholarly community at the early univerity of Paris : theologians, education and society, 1215-1248 | da |
4197 | Carte | YOU1.2 | Young, Spencer E. (ed.) | Crossing Boundaries at Medieval Universities | da |
4198 | Carte | YOU2.1 | Young, Patrick | Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum bibliothecae wigorniensis | da |
4199 | Carte | ZAB1.1 | Joseph Ibn Zabara | Le Livre de Délices | da |
4200 | Carte | ZEH1.1 | Zehnacker, Hubert ; Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Littérature latine | da |
4201 | Carte | ZEL1.1.1 | Zeller, Edoardo | La filosofia dei greci nel suo sviluppo storico (vol. I) | da |
4202 | Carte | ZEL1.1.2 | Zeller, Edoardo; Mondolfo, R. | La filosofia de greci nel suo sviluppo storico (vol. II) | da |
4203 | Carte | ZEL2.1 | Zeller, Franz | Die Apostolischen Väter | da |
4204 | Carte | ZIC1.1#1 | Zickermann, Kathrin | Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region | da |
4205 | Carte | ZIC1.1#2 | Zickermann, Kathrin | Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region | da |