3956 | Articol | X-moj1.1 | Mojsisch, Burkhard | La psychologie philosophique d'Albert le Grand et la theorie de l'intellect de Dietrich de Freiberg | da |
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3958 | Articol | X-mom1.1 | Mommsen, Theodor E. | Petrarch`s conception of the "Dark ages" | da |
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3960 | Articol | x-mor1.1 | Moravcsik, J.M.E. | Aristotle on Predication | da |
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3962 | Articol | X-mor3.1 | Morewedge, Parviz | Philosophical analysis and Ibn Sina's 'Essence-Existence' Distinction | da |
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3974 | Articol | X-nau1.1 | Naulin, Paul | Reflexions sur la portée de la preuve ontologique chez Anselme de Cantorbery | da |
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3976 | Articol | X-nel1.1 | Nelis, Hubert | Note sur le Chronicon Bethleemiticum de Pierre Impens | da |
3977 | Articol | x-neu1.1 | Neumann, Harry | On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausanias | da |
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3980 | Articol | x-nie2.1 | Nieuwenburg, Paul | Learning to Deliberate: Aristotle on Truthfulnes and Public Deliberation | da |
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3982 | Articol | x-nov1.1 | Novak, Michael | Toward Understanding Aristotle's Categories | da |
3983 | Articol | x-ock1.1 | Ockham William | De scientia in generali et de scientia naturali in speciali | da |
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3986 | Articol | x-opp1.1 | Oppenheimer Paul E. & Zalta, Edward N. | On the Logic of the Ontological Argument | da |
3987 | Articol | x-osb1.1 | Osborne, Thomas Jr. | "Unibilitas": The Key to Bonaventure's Understanding of Human Nature | da |
3988 | Articol | x-owe1.1 | Owens, J. | Aquinas on Infinite Regress | da |
3989 | Articol | X-pag1.1 | Pagnoni-Strulese, Maria Rita | Filosofia della natura e la filosofia dell'intelletto in Teodorico di Freiberg e Bertoldo di Moosburg | da |
3990 | Articol | X-pap1.1 | Papahagi, A. | The Transmition of Boethius' "de Consolatione Philosophiae" in the Carolingian Age | da |
3991 | Articol | X-pap1.2 | Papahagi, Adrian | Prioritățile cercetării manuscriselor medievale occidentale din România | da |
3992 | Articol | X-pas1.1 | Pasqua, Herve | L'etre comme πολλά chez Platon.Les enseignements du << Parmenides >> et du << Sophiste >> | da |
3993 | Articol | x-pas1.2 | Pasqua, Herve | Maitre Eckhart: l'oubli de l'etre et l'avenement de l'intellect | da |
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3995 | Articol | X-pat1.1 | Pattin, Adriaan | Autour du Liber de causis: quelques reflexions sur la recente litterature | da |
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3997 | Articol | x-pec1.1 | Peck, A.L. | Plato's Parmenides: Some Suggestions for Its Interpretation | da |
3998 | Articol | X-pep1.1 | Pepin, Jean | Elements pour une histoire de la relation entre l'intelligence et l'intelligible chez Platon et dans le neoplatonisme | da |
3999 | Articol | X-per1.1 | Persoons, Ernest | Het intellectuele leven in het klooster Bethlehem in de 15de eeuw | da |
4000 | Articol | X-pet1.1 | Petrus Aureolus | Peter Aureol Vs. Hervaeus Natalis on intentionality | da |
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