3931 | Articol | X-sch5.18 | Schabel C. | The Redactions of Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 3 of the sentences | da |
3932 | Articol | x-klo1.3 | Klosko, George | The Refutation of Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias" | da |
3933 | Carte | ORA1.1 | Oram, Richard D. | The reign of Alexander II, 1214-49 | da |
3934 | Articol | X-sho1.1 | Shogimen, Takashi | The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Century | da |
3935 | Carte | QUI4.1 | Quinones, Ricardo J. | The Renaissance discovery of time | da |
3936 | Articol | X-thi1.2 | Thijssen, J. M. M. H. | The response to Thomas Aquinas in the early fourteenth century: eternity and infinity in the works of Henry of Harclay, Thomas of Wilton and William of Alnwick O. F. M. | da |
3937 | Articol | X-dro1.1 | Dronke, Peter | The Return of Eurydice | da |
3938 | Articol | X-yol1.1 | Yolles, Julian | The rhethoric of simplicity: faith and rethoric in Peter Damian | da |
3939 | Carte | BRI2.4 | Brînzei, Monica (ed.) | The rise of an academic elite : deans, masters, and scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400 | da |
3940 | Articol | x-fer3.1 | Ferrois, Jose | The Road to Modern Logic-An Interpretation | da |
3941 | Carte | OZO1.1 | Ożóg, Krzysztof | The Role of Poland in the Intellectual Development of Europe in the Middle Ages | da |
3942 | Carte | BEN1.3 | Sf. Benedict | The Rule of Saint Benedict | da |
3943 | Articol | x-wil1.1 | Wilcox, Stanley | The Scope of Early Rhetorical Instruction | da |
3944 | Carte | CHR2.1 | Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate | The selected writings of Christine de Pizan | da |
3945 | Carte | LOM1.4.1 | Peter Lombard | The Sentences, book 1: The mystery of the Trinity | da |
3946 | Carte | HES1.2.2 | Hesiod | The Shield. Catalogue of Women. Other Fragments | da |
3947 | Carte | SCH15.1 | Schrader, Dylan | The Shortcut to Scholastic Latin | nu |
3948 | Articol | x-vla1.3 | Vlastos, Gregory | The Socratic Elenchus | da |
3949 | Articol | x-qua1.1 | Quan, Stanislaus | The solution of Zeno's first paradox | da |
3950 | Articol | X-wal3.1 | Wallis, R. T. | The Spiritual Importance of Not Knowing | da |
3951 | Carte | ROS1.1 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | The Story of a Great Medieval Book. Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
3952 | Carte | GRA6.1.1 | Graham, W. Daniel (ed.) | The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part I | da |
3953 | Carte | GRA6.1.2 | Graham, W. Daniel (ed.) | The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part II | da |
3954 | Articol | x-gri2.1 | Grijs, F. J. A. de | The Thelogical Caracter of Aquinos De aeternitate mundi | da |
3955 | Carte | SEG3.1 | Segal, Charles | The theme of the mutilation of the corpse in the Iliad | da |
3956 | Articol | x-fei1.1 | Feibleman, James K. | The Therapy of the Dialectic | da |
3957 | Carte | EUC1.4 | Euclid | The thirteen books of Euclid's elements ; the works of Archimedes, including The Methods ; On conic sections | da |
3958 | Carte | MOR4.1 | Mora-Marquez, Ana María | The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification. The Discussions and their Origin and Development | da |
3959 | Carte | BOE3.1 | Boehner, Philotheus (ed.) | The Tractatus de Succesivis | da |
3960 | Carte | WOL1.1 | Wolter, Allan B. | The transcedentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotus | da |
3961 | Articol | x-gra3.1 | Grant, Edward | The translation of Greek an Arabic Science into Latin | da |
3962 | Articol | X-pap1.1 | Papahagi, A. | The Transmition of Boethius' "de Consolatione Philosophiae" in the Carolingian Age | da |
3963 | Carte | WIT1.1 | Witt, Ronald G. | The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy | nu |
3964 | Carte | RAS2.1.1 | Rashdall, Hastings | The universities of Europe in the Middle Ages vol I | da |
3965 | Carte | RAS2.1.2 | Rashdall, Hastings | The universities of Europe in the Middle Ages vol II | da |
3966 | Carte | RAS2.1.3 | Rashdall, Hastings | The universities of Europe in the Middle Ages vol III | da |
3967 | Carte | TEE1.1 | Teeuwen, Mariken | The vocabulary of intellectual life in the Middle Ages | da |
3968 | Carte | ADA4.1 | Adams, J. N. | The vulgar Latin of the letters of Claudius Terentianus | da |
3969 | Carte | WAD1.1 | Waddell, Helen | The Wandering Scholars | da |
3970 | Carte | OAK1.1 | John H. Oakley andd Rebecca H. Sinos | The Wedding in Ancient Athens | nu |
3971 | Carte | SHI1.1 | Shimizu, T., Burnett, Ch. (eds.) | The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, Acts SIEPM Kyoto | da |
3972 | Carte | CAM1.1 | Richard of Campsall (author) ; Synan, Edward A. (ed.) | The Works of Richard of Campsall. Vol. I. Questiones super Librum Priorum Analeticorum | da |
3973 | Carte | HAB1.1 | Habinek, Thomas | The world of Roman song : from ritualized speech to social order | da |
3974 | Carte | THO3.1 | Thomson, S. Harrison | The writings of Robert Grosseteste | da |
3975 | Carte | THE6.1 | Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg | Theatre Et Spectacles Dans L'Antiquite | da |
3976 | Carte | GRE6.1 | Green, J. R. | Theatre in ancient Greek society | da |
3977 | Carte | TWNT1 | Kittel, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 1 | da |
3978 | Carte | TWNT2 | Kittel, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 2 | da |
3979 | Carte | TWNT3 | Kittel, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 3 | da |
3980 | Carte | TWNT4 | Kittel, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 4 | da |