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3869 | Articol | X-str2.1 | Street, Tony | Avicenna and Tusi on the Contradiciton and Conversion of the Absolute | da |
3870 | Carte | STR5.1 | Stroumsa, Sarah | Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker. | nu |
3871 | Carte | STR4.1 | Struck, Peter T. | Divination and Human Nature. A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquity | da |
3872 | Carte | STU1.5 | Sturlese, Loris | Maître Eckhart en questions | da |
3873 | Carte | STU1.4 | Sturlese, Loris | Eckhart, Tauler, Suso, Filosofi e mistici nella Germania medievale | da |
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