
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
3791CarteVAN1.1Vanderjagt, Arjo; van Berkel, Klaas (eds.)The Book of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Agesda
3792CarteCHR2.2Christine de PizanThe book of the city ladiesda
3793CarteMON7.1Montanari, F.The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greekda
3794CarteGAG2.2Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.)The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek lawda
3795CarteMAR2.4Marenbon, John (ed.)The Cambridge companion to Boethius da
3796CarteKRE2.1Kretzmann, N.; Kenny, A.; Pinborg, A.The Cambridge Companion to Later Medieval Philosophyda
3797CarteSPA1.2Spade, Paul Vincent (ed.)The Cambridge Companion to Ockhamda
3798CarteKRA1.1Kraut, RichardThe Cambridge companion to Plato da
3799CarteGER3.1Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.)The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus da
3800CartePAS1.2Pasnau, RobertThe Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Textsda
3801CarteMCG2.1McGrade, Arthur S. ; Killcullen, John ; Kempshall, Matthew (ed.)The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, Volume Two: Ethics and Political Philosophyda
3802CarteBRI2.2Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)The Cistercian James of Eltville († 1393). Author in Paris and Authority in Viennada
3803Articolx-cuf1.1Cuffel , Victoria The Classical Greek Concept of Slavery da
3804CarteVIT2.1Giles of ViterboThe Commentary on the Sentences of Petrus Lombardusda
3805CarteTHI1.1Thijssen, J. M. M. H.The commentary tradition on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptioneda
3806CarteHAR2.1Hart, H.L.A.The Concept Of Lawda
3807CarteSAM1.2Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Place in Late Neoplatonismda
3808CarteSAM1.1Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonismda
3809ArticolX-car2.1Carroll, William E. The condemnations of Paris (1277) and the christian origins of modern scienceda
3810CarteTAV1.1Tavard, George H.The contemplative churchda
3811CarteKLI1.1Klibansky, RaymondThe continuity of the Platonic Tradition during the Middle Agesda
3812CarteERA1.1.1Desiderius ErasmusThe correspondence of Erasmus. Letters 1 to 141da
3813CarteERA1.1.2Desiderius ErasmusThe correspondence of Erasmus. Letters 142 to 297da
3814CarteERA1.1.3Desiderius ErasmusThe correspondence of Erasmus. Letters 298 to 445da
3815CarteBAX1.1Baxter, TimothyThe Cratylus. Plato's Critique of Namingda