
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
3781CarteBEN1.2Sf. BenedictRegula Monachorumda
3782CarteBEN1.3Sf. BenedictThe Rule of Saint Benedictda
3783CarteNYS1.1Sfantul Grigore de NyssaViata sfintei Macrinada
3784CarteSHA1.1Shank, Michael H. "Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand". Logic, University and Society in Late Medieval Viennada
3785Articolx-sha1.1Shapiro , H.Walter Burley's De Toto et Parteda
3786CarteSHA2.1Shapiro, HermanMotion, Time and Place according to William Ockhamda
3787CarteSHA3.1Sharpe, Andrew N. Foucalt's Monsters and the Challenge of Lawda
3788Articolx-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
3789ArticolX-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
3790Articolx-she2.1Sherry, David M.Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisitedda
3791CarteSHI1.1Shimizu, T., Burnett, Ch. (eds.)The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, Acts SIEPM Kyotoda
3792ArticolX-sho1.1Shogimen, Takashi The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
3793CarteSIG1.8Siger de BrabantQuestio de creatione ex nihiloda
3794ArticolX-BRA1.1Siger de BrabantÉcrits de logique de morale et de physiqueda
3795CarteSIG1.6Siger de Brabant ; Malrasca, AntonioLes quaestiones super Librum de causis de Siger de Brabantda
3796Articolx-sig1.2Siger de BrebantQuestiones in Methaphysicamda
3797Articolx-sig1.1Siger de BrebantQuaestio utrum haec sit vera: Homo est animal, nullo homme existenteda
3798CarteSIG1.1Siger din BrabantQuaestiones in tertium De animada
3799CarteSIG1.4Siger din Brabant; Bazán, BernardoQuaestiones in tertium de anima. De anima intellectiva. De aeternitate mundida
3800CarteSIG1.5Siger din Brabant; Bazán, BernardoEcrits de logique, de morale et de physiqueda
3801CarteSIG1.3Siger din Brabant; Dunprhy, WilliamQuaestiones in Metaphysicam- Reportation de Munichda
3802CarteSIG1.2Siger din Brabant; Maurer, ArmandQuaestiones in Metaphysicam- Reportation de Cambridgeda
3803CarteSIL1.1Silagi, GabrielUntersuchungen zur 'Deliberatio supra hymnum trium puerorum' des Gerhard von Csanadda
3804CarteSIL3.1Silver, Daniel Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240nu
3805CarteSIM1.1Simon, Bennett Mind And Madness In Ancient Greece. The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatryda