3701 | Carte | KAG1.1 | Kagan, Donald (ed.) | Studies in the Greek Historians | da |
3702 | Carte | BAU1.2 | Baumgarten, Alexander; Cimpean, Adela (ed) | Studii de Istoria Filosofiei dedicate profesorului Vasile Musca | da |
3703 | Carte | STU1.2.1 | Sturlese, Loris (ed.) | Studii sulle fonti di Meister Eckhart, vol. I | da |
3704 | Carte | STU1.2.2 | Sturlese, Loris (ed.) | Studii sulle fonti di Meister Eckhart, vol. II | da |
3705 | Carte | BAU1.9 | Baumgarten, Alexander (ed) | Studii tomiste I | da |
3706 | Carte | BER1.1 | Bereschi, Andrei (ed) | Studii tomiste II | da |
3707 | Carte | PAV1.1 | Pavlićěk, Ota (ed.) | Studying the arts in late Medieval Bohemia : production, reception, and transmission of knowledge | da |
3708 | Carte | COU6.1 | Courtine, Jean-François | Suarez et le système de la métaphysique | da |
3709 | Articol | X-kar1.1 | Karofsky, Amy D. | Suarez' Doctrine of Eternal Truths | da |
3710 | Articol | x-gea1.1 | Geach, Peter Thomas | Subject and Predicate | da |
3711 | Carte | BRE4.1 | Brenet, Jean-Baptiste ; Cesalli, Laurent (eds.) | Sujet libre. Pour Alain de Libera | da |
3712 | Carte | ALB1.1 | Albert, Karl; Findlay, John | Sul concetto di filosofia in Platone/ Platone- le dottrine scritte e non scritte | da |
3713 | Carte | PLU1.6 | Plutarh | Sull'amore | da |
3714 | Carte | GIO1.1 | Gioacchino da Fiore | Sull'Apocalipse. Traduzione e cura din Andrea Tagliapetra | da |
3715 | Carte | FLS1.2 | Arosio, Marco | Sull'intelligenza della fede in Bonaventura da Bagnoregio; un secolo di studi | da |
3716 | Carte | TAS1.1 | Tasinato, Maria | Sulla curiosità. Apuleio e Augustino | nu |
3717 | Carte | THO1.19 | Toma din Aquino | Sulla verità | da |
3718 | Carte | THO1.20 | Tommaso d'Aquino | Sulla Verita | da |
3719 | Carte | THO1.27 | Thomas de Aquino | Summa contra Gentiles | da |
3720 | Carte | THO1.32 | Toma din Aquino | Summa contra Gentiles | da |
3721 | Carte | PHI3.1.2 | Philippus Cancellarius Parisiensis | Summa de bono; pars posterior | da |
3722 | Carte | PHI3.1.1 | Philippus Cancellarius Parisiensis | Summa de bono; pars prior | da |
3723 | Articol | X-PHI3.1 | Philippus Cancellarius Parisiensis | Summa de bono; pars prior | da |
3724 | Carte | THO1.17 | Thoma de Aquino | Summa Theologica, III pars, supplementum | da |
3725 | Carte | HAL1.2.1 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 1 | da |
3726 | Carte | HAL1.2.2 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 2 | da |
3727 | Carte | HAL1.2.3 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 3 | da |
3728 | Carte | HAL1.2.4 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 4 | da |
3729 | Carte | HAL1.2.5 | Alexander de Hales | Summa Theologica; indices in tom. I-IV (indice A-M) | da |
3730 | Carte | ROC1.1 | von de la Rochelle, Johannes | Summe über die Seele | da |
3731 | Carte | HUG1.6.3 | Hugo de Saint-Victor | Super Ierarchiam Dionisii (Opera omnia tomus III) | da |
3732 | Carte | GOD2.1 | Godescalp de Nepomuk | Super libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499 | da |
3733 | Carte | THO1.5 | Toma din Aquino | Super Librum de causis | da |
3734 | Carte | THO5.1 | Thome de Argentina | Super Sententiarum prima pars | da |
3735 | Carte | LEF2.1 | Lefèvre, Charles | Sur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologie | da |
3736 | Carte | VAS2.1 | Vasile cel Mare (Basile de Césarée) | Sur l'origine de l'homme | da |
3737 | Carte | SEN1.7 | Seneque | Sur la Brievete de la Vie | da |
3738 | Carte | SCO1.3 | Jean Duns Scot | Sur la connaissance de Dieu et l'univocite de l'etant (ed. Boulnois) | da |
3739 | Carte | BAR1.1 | Bardout, J.-C. ; Boulnois, Olivier (ed.) | Sur la science divine | da |
3740 | Carte | GER1.1 | Gerson, Jean | Sur la theologie mystique | da |
3741 | Articol | X-tro1.1 | Trottmann C. | Sur la vision de Dieu par Adam au paradis et cell des bienheureux | da |
3742 | Articol | X-hen1.1 | Henrici a Gandauo | Svmmae quaestionum ordinariarum theologi recepto preconio solennis | da |
3743 | Articol | x-bal1.1 | Balberghe, Emile van | Sylvain van de Weyer et la vente des manuscrits de Parc in 1829 | da |
3744 | Articol | X-poi1.14 | Poirel, Dominique | Symbole | da |
3745 | Carte | VER6.1 | Verniere, Yvonne | Symboles et Mythes dans la Pensee de Plutarcque. Essai d'interpretation philosophique et religieuse des Moralia | da |
3746 | Carte | HIE2.1 | Hierocles Byzantinus | Synecdemus | da |
3747 | Carte | ERN1.2 | Ernout, Alfred; Thomas, Francois | Syntaxe Latine | da |
3748 | Carte | BER2.9 | Bertoldo di Moosburg | Tabula contentorum in expositione super elementationem theologicam Procli | da |
3749 | Carte | BIB5.1 | *** | Tanakh, the Holy Scriptures. The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text [Torah, Nevi'im, Kethuvim] | da |
3750 | Carte | GAN1.2 | Hrotsvita din Gandersheim | Teatru | da |
3751 | Carte | BRU5.1 | Brunner Emil | Temeiurile credinţei creştine | da |
3752 | Carte | REE1.1 | Reegen J. G. J, Luis A. de Boni, Costa, M.R.N. | Tempo e Eternidad na Idade Media | da |
3753 | Carte | CTH1.1 | CTHS | Tendances, perspectives et méthodes de l'histoire médiévale | da |
3754 | Articol | X-poi1.20 | Poirel, Dominique | Tene fontem et totum habes: l'unite du Didascalicon d'Hugues de Saint-Victor | da |
3755 | Carte | GOD2.2 | Godescalc de Nepomuk | Teologia ca dispoziţie ştiinţifică. Prologul Comentariului la Cartea Sentinţelor | da |
3756 | Carte | SIS1.1 | Siserman, Dan | Teologia istoriei la Gioacchino din Fiore | da |
3757 | Carte | RAT1.2 | Ratzinger, Joseph (Papa Benedict al XVI-lea) | Teologia istoriei la sfântul Bonaventura | da |
3758 | Carte | PER1.1 | Perl, Eric D. | Teophany | da |
3759 | Carte | BER5.1 | Berkeley, George | Teoria vederii | da |
3760 | Carte | PET3.1#1 | Peters, Francis E. | Termenii filosofiei grecesti | da |
3761 | Carte | PET3.1#2 | Peters, Francis E. | Termenii filosofiei grecesti | da |
3762 | Carte | FRE3.2 | Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique | da |
3763 | Carte | FRE3.1 | Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique | da |
3764 | Carte | LTHK10 | Buchberger, Michael | Terziaren bis Zytomierz | da |
3765 | Carte | HER3.1 | Hermagoras | Testimonia et fragmenta (ed. Matthes) | da |
3766 | Articol | x-lab1.1 | Labarriere, Jean-Louis | Texte d'Aristote sur la difference entre l'homme et l'animal | da |
3767 | Carte | OCK1.5 | Ockham, William | Texte zur Theorie der Erkenntnis und der Wissenschaft | da |
3768 | Carte | OCK1.6 | Ockham, William | Texte zur Theorie der Erkenntnis und der Wissenschaft et Summa logicae, I, 14-25 şi II, 27 | da |
3769 | Carte | LIL1.4 | Lille, Alain de; Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d' | Textes inedits | da |
3770 | Carte | BAN2.1 | Alexandra Baneu | Teza de doctorat: Structuri conceptuale în opera lui Pelbartus de Themeswar. Elemente de gândire scotistă în 'Rosarium' | da |
3771 | Carte | PET1.6 | Petreu, Marta | Teze neterminate | da |
3772 | Articol | x-gru1.1 | Gruender, C. David | The Achilles Paradox and Transinfinite Numbers | da |
3773 | Carte | LLO2.1 | Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard | The ambivalences of rationality : ancient and modern cross-cultural explorations | nu |
3774 | Articol | x-ken1.2 | Kennedy, George A. K | The Ancient Dispute over Rhetorique in Homer | da |
3775 | Carte | ROG1.1 | Rogers, Kathrin | The Anselmian Approach to God and Creation | da |
3776 | Carte | SZI1.1 | Szittya, Penn R. | The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literature | da |
3777 | Articol | x-coh2.1 | Cohen, Maurice H. | The Aporias in the Plato's Early Dialogues | da |
3778 | Carte | KUN2.1 | Kunitzsch, Paul | The Arabs and the stars: texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europe | da |
3779 | Carte | HAR4.1 | Harrison, Thomas | The ark of studies | nu |
3780 | Articol | x-sea1.1 | Seaton, R.C. | The Arsitotelian Enthymeme | da |
3781 | Carte | BAC1.1 | Roger Bacon | The art and science of logic | da |
3782 | Carte | DOL1.1 | Dolezalova, L; Kiss, F. G.; Wojcik, R. | The Art of Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe (Czech lands, Hungary, Poland) | nu |
3783 | Carte | ARI1.26 | Aristotel | The Athenian Constitution. The Eudemian Ethics. On Virtues and Vices | da |
3784 | Carte | LEW1.1 | Lewis, Sian | The Athenian Woman : an Iconographic Handbook | da |
3785 | Articol | X-arm1.2 | Armstrong, A. H. | The Background of the Doctrine "That the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellect | da |
3786 | Carte | THO1.34.1 | Thomas Aquinas | The basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 1 | da |
3787 | Carte | THO1.34.2 | Thomas Aquinas | The basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 2 | da |
3788 | Carte | HOB1.1 | Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby (ed.) | The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Womens's Book ...... | da |
3789 | Carte | PAK1.1 | ibn Paḳudah, Baḥye ben Yosef | The book of directions to the duties of the heart | da |
3790 | Carte | YEH1.2 | Yehudah ha-Leṿi | The Book of Kuzari | da |
3791 | Carte | VAN1.1 | Vanderjagt, Arjo; van Berkel, Klaas (eds.) | The Book of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages | da |
3792 | Carte | CHR2.2 | Christine de Pizan | The book of the city ladies | da |
3793 | Carte | MON7.1 | Montanari, F. | The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek | da |
3794 | Carte | GAG2.2 | Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.) | The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law | da |
3795 | Carte | MAR2.4 | Marenbon, John (ed.) | The Cambridge companion to Boethius | da |
3796 | Carte | KRE2.1 | Kretzmann, N.; Kenny, A.; Pinborg, A. | The Cambridge Companion to Later Medieval Philosophy | da |
3797 | Carte | SPA1.2 | Spade, Paul Vincent (ed.) | The Cambridge Companion to Ockham | da |
3798 | Carte | KRA1.1 | Kraut, Richard | The Cambridge companion to Plato | da |
3799 | Carte | GER3.1 | Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.) | The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus | da |
3800 | Carte | PAS1.2 | Pasnau, Robert | The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts | da |