
Nr.TipCota AutorTitluDisponibil
3666ArticolX-ben1.1Benveniste, EmileExpresson indo-europeenne de l' " éternité"da
3667Articolx-ben2.1 Bendegem, Jean Paul VanZeno's Paradoxes and the Tile Argumentda
3668Articolx-ber1.1Berti, EnricoAncient Greek Dialectic as Expression of Freedom of Thought and Speechda
3669ArticolX-bia1.1Bianchi, LucaCensure, lberte et progres intellectuel a l'Universite de Paris au XIII Siecleda
3670ArticolX-bia1.2Bianchi, LucaA turning point in medieval philosophyda
3671ArticolX-bia2.1Bianco, F.J. von Die alte Universitat Koln sowie die zu Koln administrierten Studien-Stiftungenda
3672ArticolX-bla1.1Blazek PavelJean Streler, lecons sur les psaumes de la penitenceda
3673Articolx-bla1.2#1Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
3674Articolx-bla1.2#2Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
3675Articolx-bla2.1Blanco, ArturoThe influence of faith in angels on the medieval vision of nature and manda
3676Articolx-blo1.1Block, IrvingPlato, Parmenides, Ryle and Exemplificationda
3677ArticolX-blu1.1Blumenthal, Henry J.Neoplatonic elements in the de Anima commentaries da
3678ArticolX-blu1.2Blumenthal, Henry J.Themistius: the last Peripatetic commentatator on Aristotle?da
3679ArticolX-blu1.3Blumenthal, Henry J.Did Plotinus believe in ideas of individuals?da
3680ArticolX-blu1.4Blumenthal, Henry J.Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memoryda
3681Articolx-blu1.5Blumenthal, Henry J.Soul and Body (chapter 2 in Plotinus ' Psychology)da
3682ArticolX-blu1.6Blumenthal, Henry J.Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern?da
3683ArticolX-bod1.1Bodéüs, RichardAme du Monde ou Corps Celeste? Une Interrogation D'Aristoteda
3685ArticolX-BOE1.2BoethiusDE HEBDOMADIBUS cum Gilberti Porretae commentariada
3686ArticolX-bon1.1BonaventuraeSermo IV Christus unus omniummagisterda
3687ArticolX-bon2.1Boni, Luis Alberto deFilosofia y Teologia en Duns Escoto. El prologus de la ''Ordinatio'' (P.IQ.UN.) y la condenación de 1277da
3688Articolx-boo1.1 Booth, N.Two Point of Interpretation in Zenoda
3689Articolx-boo1.2 Booth, N.Zenon's Paradoxesda
3690ArticolX-bou1.1Boulnois, OlivierRéelles intention: nature commune et universaux selon Duns Scotda
3691ArticolX-bou1.2Boulnois, OlivierPreuve de Dieu et Structure de la Metaphysique selon Duns Scotda
3692ArticolX-bou1.3Boulnois, OlivierLe Chiasme: LA philosophie selon les theologiens et la théologie selon les artiens, de 1267 A 1300da
3693Articolx-bow1.1Bowie, E.L. Greeks and their Past in the Second Sophisticda
3694ArticolX-BRA1.1Siger de BrabantÉcrits de logique de morale et de physiqueda
3695Articolx-bra2.1Brague, RemiSens et valeur de la philosophie dans les trois cultures médiévalesda
3696ArticolX-bre1.1Brecher, RobertGreatness' in Anselm's Ontological Argumentda
3697Articolx-bre2.1Breton, StanislasEst-Je Suis: Parmenide ou Moiseda
3698ArticolX-bri1.1Brient, Elizabeth Transitions to a Modern Cosmology: Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Cusa on the Intensive Infiniteda
3699Articolx-bri2.1Brill, AlanThe phenomenology of true dreams in Maimonidesda
3700Articolx-bro1.1 Broad, C.D.Note on Achilles and the Tortoiseda
3701ArticolX-bru1.1Brunn , Emilie Zum Dieu n'est pas etre da
3702Articolx-bru1.2 Brunn, Emilie ZumMaitre Eckhart et le nom inconnu de l'ameda
3703Articolx-bru1.3Brunn , Emilie Zum Les Premieres <<Questions Parisiennes>> Maitre Eckhartda
3704Articolx-buc1.1Bucks, Gertrude The Present Status of Rhetorical Theoryda
3705Articolx-bur1.1 Burke, Richard J.Aristotle on the Limits of Argumentda
3706Articolx-caj1.1Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3707Articolx-caj1.2Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3708Articolx-caj1.3Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3709Articolx-caj1.4 Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3710Articolx-caj1.5 Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motionda
3711Articolx-caj1.6Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3712Articolx-caj1.7Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3713Articolx-caj1.8Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3714Articolx-caj1.9Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
3715Articolx-caj1.10Cajori, Florian The Purpose of Zeno's Arguments on Motionda