3611 | Carte | WIT1.1 | Witt, Ronald G. | The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy | nu |
3612 | Carte | WOD1.1.1 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Librum Primum Sententiarum I (Prologus et Distinctio Prima) | da |
3613 | Carte | WOD1.1.2 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum II (Distinctiones II-VII) | da |
3614 | Carte | WOD1.1.3 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum III (Distinctiones VIII-XXVI) | da |
3615 | Carte | WOL1.1 | Wolter, Allan B. | The transcedentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotus | da |
3616 | Carte | WOO1.1 | Woozley, A. D. | LAW AND OBEDIENCE. The arguments of Plato`s Crito | da |
3617 | Carte | WOO2.1 | Woodhouse, Christopher M. | George Gemistos Plethon : the last of the Hellenes | da |
3618 | Carte | WRA1.1 | Wranovix, Matthew P. | Priests and their books in late medieval Eichstätt. Parish priests and their books | da |
3619 | Carte | WRI1.1 | Wriedt, Klaus | Schule Und Universitat (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) | da |
3620 | Carte | WUS1.1 | Wüsthof, Lucas | Schwabenspiegel und Augsburger Stadtrecht | da |
3621 | Carte | WYC1.1 | John Wycliff | On Universals | da |
3622 | Carte | WYC1.2 | John Wycliff, Ivan J. Mueller (ed.) | Tractatus de universalibus | da |
3623 | Carte | WYS1.1 | Wyser, Paul | Thomas von Aquin | da |
3624 | Articol | X-aba1.1 | Abaelard, Peter; ed. Geyer, Bernhard | Incipiunt Glossae secundum magistrum Petrum Abaelardum super Porphyrium | da |
3625 | Articol | x-ack1.1 | Ackrill, J.L. | Plato and the Copula: Sophist 251-259 | da |
3626 | Articol | x-ack1.2 | Ackrill, J. L. | Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche | da |
3627 | Articol | X-ada1.1#1 | Adamson, Peter | Aristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinus | da |
3628 | Articol | X-ada1.1#2 | Adamson, Peter | Aristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinus | da |
3629 | Articol | x-adk1.1 | Adkins, A.W.H. | Arete, Techne, Democracy and Sophists: Protagoras 316b-328d | da |
3630 | Articol | x-adl1.1 | Adler, Mortimer J. | Angel | da |
3631 | Articol | X-aer1.1 | Aertsen, Jan A. | What is First and Most Fundamental? The Beginnings of Transcendental Philosophy | da |
3632 | Articol | X-aer1.2 | Aertsen, Jan A. | The Eternity of the World: The Believing and The Philosophical Tomas. Some Comments | da |
3633 | Articol | X-alb1.1 | Albertus Magnus | Quaestiones de bono (Summa de bono q. 1-10) | da |
3634 | Articol | X-alb1.2 | Albertus Magnus | Liber Primus de Praedicabilibus | da |
3635 | Articol | X-alb1.3 | Albertus Magnus; ed. Clemens Stroick O.M.I. S. | De Anima: Cap.4-Cap. 10 | da |
3636 | Articol | X-alb1.4 | Albertus Magnus | Quaestio de ratione superiori et synderesi; Quaestio de synderesi | da |
3637 | Articol | X-alf1.1 | Alfarabi | Uber den Ursprung der Wissenschaften (De Ortu Scientiarum) | da |
3638 | Articol | X-alk1.1 | Al- Kindi de Radiis | Archives D'histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Age | da |
3639 | Articol | x-all1.1 | Allis, Victor and Koetsier, Teunis | On some Paradoxes of the Infinite | da |
3640 | Articol | x-all1.2 | Allis, Victor and Koetsier, Teunis | On some Paradoxes of the Infinite II | da |
3641 | Articol | X-alv1.1 | Alverny, Marie-Thérèse D' | Astrologues et Theologiens au XII Siecle | da |
3642 | Articol | x-amb1.1 | Ambler, Wayne | Aristotle on Nature and Politics: The Case of Slavery | da |
3643 | Articol | X-anc1.1 | D'Ancona Costa, Christina | La notion de l'un dans Thomas D'Aquin | da |
3644 | Articol | x-ang1.1 | Angotti, Claire | Presence d'un enseignement au sein du college de Sorbonne: collationes, disputationes, lectiones (XIII-XV siecle) Bilan et hypotheses | da |
3645 | Articol | X-are1.1 | Arendt, Hannah | Il concetto d'amore in Agostino, saggio di interpretazione filosofica | da |
3646 | Articol | X-ari.22 | Liber Aristotelis | De pomo et morte cui accedit. J.Gersonii opusculum de arte moriendi | da |
3647 | Articol | X-ari1.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica, Cartea XIII | da |
3648 | Articol | X-ari1.2 | Aristotel (pseudo) | Liber Aristotelis De pomo et morte, cui accedit J. Gersonii opusculum de arte moriendi | da |
3649 | Articol | x-arm1.1 | Armstrong, A. H. | Form, Individual and Person in Plotinus | da |
3650 | Articol | X-arm1.2 | Armstrong, A. H. | The Background of the Doctrine "That the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellect | da |
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3652 | Articol | x-aub1.1 | Aubenque, Pierre | Plotin et le Depassement de L'ontologie Grecque Classique | da |
3653 | Articol | X-avi1.1 | Avicenna; Andrea Alpago (trad.) | Tractatus de diffinitionibus et quaesitis ab Avicenna compositus ac ab Andrea Bellunensi ex Arabico translatus | da |
3654 | Articol | x-bai1.1 | Bailey, Alan | Pyrronhean Sceptcism and the Self-Refutation Argument | da |
3655 | Articol | x-bal1.1 | Balberghe, Emile van | Sylvain van de Weyer et la vente des manuscrits de Parc in 1829 | da |
3656 | Articol | x-bar1.1 | Barnes, Jonathan | Aristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proof | da |
3657 | Articol | x-bar1.2 | Barnes, Jonathan | Homonymy in Aristotle and Speusippus | da |
3658 | Articol | x-bar1.3 | Barnes, Jonathan | The Law of Contradiction | da |
3659 | Articol | x-bar2.1 | Bartlett, Robert C. | Political Philosophy and Sophistry: An Introduction to Plato's Protagoras | da |
3660 | Articol | X-bas1.1 | Bastit, Michel | Qu'est-ce qu-une partie de l'ame pour Aristote ? | da |