
Nr.TipCota AutorTitluDisponibil
3601CarteWIT1.1Witt, Ronald G. The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italynu
3602CarteWOD1.1.1Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.)Lectura Secunda In Librum Primum Sententiarum I (Prologus et Distinctio Prima)da
3603CarteWOD1.1.2Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.)Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum II (Distinctiones II-VII)da
3604CarteWOD1.1.3Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.)Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum III (Distinctiones VIII-XXVI)da
3605CarteWOL1.1Wolter, Allan B.The transcedentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotusda
3606CarteWOO1.1Woozley, A. D. LAW AND OBEDIENCE. The arguments of Plato`s Critoda
3607CarteWOO2.1Woodhouse, Christopher M.George Gemistos Plethon : the last of the Hellenesda
3608CarteWRA1.1Wranovix, Matthew P.Priests and their books in late medieval Eichstätt. Parish priests and their booksda
3609CarteWRI1.1Wriedt, Klaus Schule Und Universitat (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance)da
3610CarteWUS1.1Wüsthof, Lucas Schwabenspiegel und Augsburger Stadtrecht da
3611CarteWYC1.1John WycliffOn Universalsda
3612CarteWYC1.2John Wycliff, Ivan J. Mueller (ed.)Tractatus de universalibusda
3613CarteWYS1.1Wyser, PaulThomas von Aquinda
3614ArticolX-aba1.1Abaelard, Peter; ed. Geyer, BernhardIncipiunt Glossae secundum magistrum Petrum Abaelardum super Porphyriumda
3615Articolx-ack1.1 Ackrill, J.L.Plato and the Copula: Sophist 251-259da
3616Articolx-ack1.2 Ackrill, J. L. Aristotle's Definitions of Psucheda
3617ArticolX-ada1.1#1Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
3618ArticolX-ada1.1#2Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
3619Articolx-adk1.1Adkins, A.W.H.Arete, Techne, Democracy and Sophists: Protagoras 316b-328dda
3620Articolx-adl1.1Adler, Mortimer J.Angelda
3621ArticolX-aer1.1 Aertsen, Jan A.What is First and Most Fundamental? The Beginnings of Transcendental Philosophyda
3622ArticolX-aer1.2 Aertsen, Jan A.The Eternity of the World: The Believing and The Philosophical Tomas. Some Commentsda
3623ArticolX-alb1.1Albertus MagnusQuaestiones de bono (Summa de bono q. 1-10)da
3624ArticolX-alb1.2Albertus MagnusLiber Primus de Praedicabilibusda
3625ArticolX-alb1.3Albertus Magnus; ed. Clemens Stroick O.M.I. S. De Anima: Cap.4-Cap. 10da
3626ArticolX-alb1.4Albertus Magnus Quaestio de ratione superiori et synderesi; Quaestio de synderesida
3627ArticolX-alf1.1AlfarabiUber den Ursprung der Wissenschaften (De Ortu Scientiarum)da
3628ArticolX-alk1.1Al- Kindi de RadiisArchives D'histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Ageda
3629Articolx-all1.1 Allis, Victor and Koetsier, TeunisOn some Paradoxes of the Infiniteda
3630Articolx-all1.2Allis, Victor and Koetsier, TeunisOn some Paradoxes of the Infinite IIda
3631ArticolX-alv1.1Alverny, Marie-Thérèse D'Astrologues et Theologiens au XII Siecleda
3632Articolx-amb1.1Ambler, WayneAristotle on Nature and Politics: The Case of Slaveryda
3633ArticolX-anc1.1 D'Ancona Costa, Christina La notion de l'un dans Thomas D'Aquinda
3634Articolx-ang1.1Angotti, ClairePresence d'un enseignement au sein du college de Sorbonne: collationes, disputationes, lectiones (XIII-XV siecle) Bilan et hypothesesda
3635ArticolX-are1.1Arendt, Hannah Il concetto d'amore in Agostino, saggio di interpretazione filosoficada
3636ArticolX-ari.22Liber Aristotelis De pomo et morte cui accedit. J.Gersonii opusculum de arte moriendida
3637ArticolX-ari1.1Aristotel Metaphysica, Cartea XIIIda
3638ArticolX-ari1.2Aristotel (pseudo)Liber Aristotelis De pomo et morte, cui accedit J. Gersonii opusculum de arte moriendida
3639Articolx-arm1.1 Armstrong, A. H.Form, Individual and Person in Plotinusda
3640ArticolX-arm1.2Armstrong, A. H.The Background of the Doctrine "That the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellectda
3641Articolx-ash1.1 Ashworth, E.JAutor des Obligationes de Roger Swyneshed: La Nova Responsioda
3642Articolx-aub1.1 Aubenque, Pierre Plotin et le Depassement de L'ontologie Grecque Classiqueda
3643ArticolX-avi1.1Avicenna; Andrea Alpago (trad.)Tractatus de diffinitionibus et quaesitis ab Avicenna compositus ac ab Andrea Bellunensi ex Arabico translatusda
3644Articolx-bai1.1 Bailey, Alan Pyrronhean Sceptcism and the Self-Refutation Argumentda
3645Articolx-bal1.1Balberghe, Emile vanSylvain van de Weyer et la vente des manuscrits de Parc in 1829da
3646Articolx-bar1.1 Barnes, JonathanAristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proofda
3647Articolx-bar1.2Barnes, Jonathan Homonymy in Aristotle and Speusippusda
3648Articolx-bar1.3Barnes, Jonathan The Law of Contradictionda
3649Articolx-bar2.1Bartlett, Robert C. Political Philosophy and Sophistry: An Introduction to Plato's Protagorasda
3650ArticolX-bas1.1 Bastit, MichelQu'est-ce qu-une partie de l'ame pour Aristote ?da