
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
3441CarteORI1.3.1OrigenesSchriften von Gebet und Ermahnung zum Martyrium, band Ida
3442CarteWRI1.1Wriedt, Klaus Schule Und Universitat (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance)da
3443CarteWUS1.1Wüsthof, Lucas Schwabenspiegel und Augsburger Stadtrecht da
3444CarteSTE4.1Steneck, H. NicholasScience and creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397) on genesisda
3445CarteBIA1.2Joel BiardScience et nature. La theorie buridanienne du savoirda
3446CarteBAR4.1Baron, RogerScience et sagesse chez Hugues de Saint Victorda
3447CarteBER12.1Bernal, John DesmondScience in history. Vol. 1: The emergence of scienceda
3448CarteFRE5.1Freudenthal, GadScience in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditionsda
3449CarteLEE1.1 Lee, Richard A. Science, the singular, and the questions of theologyda
3450CarteHIL3.1Hildegard von BingenSciviasnu
3451CarteHIL3.2.1Hildegard din BingenScivias (I-II)da
3452CarteBAU1.4Baumgarten, AlexanderScoala ragazului. Studii de filosofie antica si medievalanu
3453CarteHOF1.2Hofmeister-Pich, R., Culleton, A. S. (eds.) Scolastica colonialis, Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16/18 Centuriesda
3454CarteCOR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
3455CarteARE2.1.1ArethaeScripta minora vol.1da
3456CarteJAE1.3.1Jaeger, WernerScripta minora vol.1da
3457CarteARE2.1.2ArethaeScripta minora vol.2da
3458CarteJAE1.3.2Jaeger, WernerScripta minora vol.2da