3241 | Carte | MUS5.1 | Mussatus, Albertinus | De gestis italicorum post Henricum VII Cesarem (libri I-VII) | da |
3242 | Carte | IBN1.1 | Ibn Hazm, Alī ibn Ahmad | Colierul porumbiţei : tratat despre dragoste şi îndrăgostiţi | da |
3243 | Carte | WHI3.1 | Whittaker Thomas | Neoplatonismul : un studiu asupra istoriei elenismului | da |
3244 | Carte | THO1.33 | Toma din Aquino | Disertatii despre adevar : dezbaterea a XI-a despre invatator | da |
3245 | Carte | PLA1.24 | Platon | Scrisorile ; Dialoguri suspecte ; Dialoguri apocrife | da |
3246 | Carte | ARI1.66 | Aristotel | Poetica | da |
3247 | Carte | ALK1.1#2 | Alkindi | Die Erste Philosophie | da |
3248 | Carte | ARI1.4#2 | Aristotel | De l' ame | da |
3249 | Carte | ORT1.1 | Ortúzar Escudero, María José | Die Sinne in den Schriften Hildegards von Bingen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sinneswahrnehmung | da |
3250 | Carte | SAM3.1#2 | Samuelson, Norbert M. | Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introduction | da |
3251 | Carte | BOD1.1 | Bodel, John; Olyan, M. Saul (eds.) | Household and family religion in antiquity | da |
3252 | Carte | TUR3.1 | Turmeda, Anselme | Dispute de l'âne | da |
3253 | Carte | VER2.2 | Vernant, Jean-Pierre | Mortals and immortals | da |
3254 | Carte | COR1.3 | Corbin Michel | La doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité | da |
3255 | Carte | GAG2.1 | Gagarin, Michael | Early Greek law | da |
3256 | Carte | COX1.1 | Cox, Cheryl Anne | Household interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient Athens | da |
3257 | Carte | SER1.2 | Serres, Michel | Petite poucette | nu |
3258 | Carte | MOR5.1 | Morris, Ian | Why the West rules - for now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the future | da |
3259 | Carte | NEV1.1 | Nevett, Lisa C. | House and society in the ancient Greek world | da |
3260 | Carte | MOR6.1 | Morris, Colin | The discovery of the individual, 1050-1200 | da |
3261 | Carte | BOE4.1 | Boegehold, Alan L.; Scafuro, C. Adele (eds.) | Athenian identity and civic ideology | da |
3262 | Carte | GAG2.2 | Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.) | The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law | da |
3263 | Carte | ARN5.1 | Arnzen, Rüdiger; Thielmann, Jörn | Words, texts and concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea | da |
3264 | Carte | LIE1.1 | Beatus Liebanensis | Obras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) | da |
3265 | Carte | QUI4.1 | Quinones, Ricardo J. | The Renaissance discovery of time | da |