
Nr.TipCota AutorTitluDisponibil
3176CarteSIG1.7Brabant, Siger de; Delhaye, PhilippeQuestions sur la Physique D'Aristoteda
3177CarteSIG1.8Siger de BrabantQuestio de creatione ex nihiloda
3178CarteSIL1.1Silagi, GabrielUntersuchungen zur 'Deliberatio supra hymnum trium puerorum' des Gerhard von Csanadda
3179CarteSIL3.1Silver, Daniel Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240nu
3180CarteSIM1.1Simon, Bennett Mind And Madness In Ancient Greece. The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatryda
3181CarteSIM2.1.1SimpliciusCommentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I)da
3182CarteSIM2.1.2SimpliciusCommentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. II)da
3183CarteSIM2.2.1SimpliciusCommentaire sur le traité Du ciel d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I)nu
3184CarteSIN1.1Singer, Samuel Apolonius von Tyrus. Untersuchungen uber das Fortleben des antiken Romans in spartern zeitenda
3185CarteSIN2.1Sinaiko, Herman L.Love, Knowledge, and Discourse in Plato: Dialogue and Dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenidesda
3186CarteSIR1.1Sirat, Colette La philosophie juive médiévale en pays de chrétientéda
3187CarteSIR1.2Sirat, Colette La philosophie juive médiévale en terre d'Islamda
3188CarteSIR1.3Sirat, ColetteA history of Jewish philosophy in the middle agesda
3189CarteSIS1.1Siserman, DanTeologia istoriei la Gioacchino din Fioreda
3190CarteSIS1.2Siserman, Dan; Tat, Alin (eds.)Spicilegium Philosophicum – Studii de Filosofieda
3191CarteSLE1.1Sleeman, J. H.; Pollet, GilbertLexicon Plotinianumda
3192CarteSLO1.1Slotemaker, J., Witt, J.Robert Holcotda
3193CarteSMA1.1Šmahel, František Charles University in the Middle Ages. Selected studiesda
3194CarteSMA1.2Šmahel, František (ed.); Pavlicek, Ota (colab.)A Companion to Jan Husda
3195CarteSME1.1Smet, Joachim (ed.)Manuscripts in the Vatican Library relating to the Carmelite Orderda
3196CarteSMI1.1Smith, LesleyThe Glossa Ordinaria. The Making of a Medieval Bible Commentaryda
3197CarteSMI2.1.1Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. Ida
3198CarteSMI2.1.2Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. IIda
3199CarteSMI3.1Smith, Randall B.Întruchipări ale înțelepciunii creștineda
3200CarteSOE1.1Soetermeer, FrankUtrumque jus in peciisda