3081 | Articol | X-ned1.1 | Nederman, Cary J. | The meaning of "Aristotelianism" in Medieval Moral and Political Thought | da |
3082 | Carte | ADK1.1 | Neil Adkin | Jerome on virginity. A commentary on the Libellus de virginitate servanda (Letter 22) | da |
3083 | Articol | X-nel1.1 | Nelis, Hubert | Note sur le Chronicon Bethleemiticum de Pierre Impens | da |
3084 | Carte | NEM1.2 | Nemesius din Emesa | De natura hominis | da |
3085 | Carte | NEM1.1 | Nemesius din Emesa | Despre natura omului | da |
3086 | Articol | x-neu1.1 | Neumann, Harry | On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausanias | da |
3087 | Carte | NEV1.1 | Nevett, Lisa C. | House and society in the ancient Greek world | da |
3088 | Carte | NIC3.1 | Nicholas of Methone | Refutation of Proclus' Elements of Theology | da |
3089 | Articol | x-nic1.1 | Nichols, Mary P. | Aristotle's Defense of Rhetoric | da |
3090 | Carte | ABB1.1 | Nicola Abbagnano | Storia della FIlosofia, II - La filosofia medioevale | da |