
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
2776CarteDAV3.1Davidson, Arnold I.; Worms, Frederic (eds.)Pierre Hadot, l'enseignement des antiques, l'enseignement des modernesda
2777CarteDEL1.1Delhaye, PhilippePierre Lombard. Sa vie, ses oeuvres, sa moraleda
2778ArticolX-hur1.1Hurand BérengerPlace et usage de la dialectique dans la methode asemienneda
2779CarteMAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da
2780CarteKEU1.1Keuls, Eva C.Plato And Greek Paintingda
2781Articolx-ack1.1 Ackrill, J.L.Plato and the Copula: Sophist 251-259da
2782Articolx-klo1.1 Klosko, GeorgePlato and the Morality of Fallacyda
2783Articolx-ryl1.1 Ryle, Gilbert Plato's 'Parmenides'da
2784Articolx-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
2785Articolx-rob1.2 Robinson, Richard Plato's Consciousness of Fallacyda
2786CarteROB1.1Robinson, RichardPlato's Earlier Dialecticda
2787Articolx-ker1.1Kerferd, G.B. Plato's Noble Art of Sophistryda
2788Articolx-sco1.1Scoon, Robert Plato's Parmenidesda
2789ArticolX-kli1.2Klibansky, RaymondPlato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissanceda
2790Articolx-pec1.1Peck, A.L. Plato's Parmenides: Some Suggestions for Its Interpretationda
2791Articolx-vla1.4Vlastos, Gregory Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Eleada
2792CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
2793CarteBOB3.1Bobonich, ChristopherPlato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics da
2794Articolx-blo1.1Block, IrvingPlato, Parmenides, Ryle and Exemplificationda
2795CarteVLA2.1Vlastos, GregoryPlato: a collection of critical essayda
2796CarteTAY1.2Taylor, A. E,Plato: the man and his workda
2797CarteNIE3.1Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.)Platonda
2798CarteTAY1.1 Taylor, A. E.Platonda
2799CarteSCH6.1Schuhl, Pierre-MaximePlaton et l'art de son temps (Arts plastiques)da
2800CartePAT3.1Patocka, JanPlaton et L'Europeda
2801CarteMAT3.1Mattéi, Jean-FrançoisPlaton et le miroir du mythe: de l'âge d'or à l'Atlantide da
2802Articolx-laz1.1 Lazu, RobertPlaton și scriereada
2803CarteSZL1.4Szlezak, Thomas A.Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotinsda
2804CarteBRI4.3Brisson, LucPlaton, les mots et les mythesda
2805CartePLA1.5.14.2Des Places, EdouardPlaton. Ouevres completes (tome XIV). Lexique (2e partie)da
2806CarteSTE2.1Stenzel, JuliusPlatone educatorenu
2807CartePLA1.2.1PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus Ida
2808CartePLA1.2.3PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus IIIda
2809CartePLA1.2.4PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus IVda
2810CartePLA1.2.5PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus Vda
2811CarteBEI1.1Beierwaltes, WernerPlatonisme et idealismeda
2812CarteHIR1.1Hirsch, WalterPlatons Weg Zum Mythosda
2813CarteCOH2.1Cohen-Hanegbi, Naama; Nagy, Piroska (eds.)Pleasure in the Middle Agesnu
2814ArticolX-kuk1.1#1Kukkonen, TaneliPlenitude, Possibility and the limits of reason: A Medieval Arabic debate on the metaphysics of natureda
2815ArticolX-kuk1.1#2Kukkonen, TaneliPlenitude, Possibility and the limits of reason: A Medieval Arabic debate on the metaphysics of natureda
2816CarteMAS1.1Masai, FrançoisPléthon et le platonisme de Mistrada
2817CarteHEN3.1Paul Henry, S. J. Plotin et l'Occident. Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe da
2818ArticolX-mor4.1Moreau, JosephPlotin et la tradition helleniqueda
2819Articolx-aub1.1 Aubenque, Pierre Plotin et le Depassement de L'ontologie Grecque Classiqueda
2820CartePIG1.1Pigler, Agnes Plotin une metaphysique de l`amour da
2821CarteTOM1.1Tomuleţ, Dan Plotin, Despre frumosda
2822CarteTOM1.2Tomulet, Dan Plotin, Despre nemurirea sufletuluida
2823CarteOME1.1O'Meara, Dominic Plotin. Une introduction aux Enneadesda
2824CartePLO1.4Ficino, MarsilioPlotini Divini illius e Platonica familia Philosophi De rebus Philosophicis libri LIIII in Enneades sex distributida
2825ArticolX-blu1.4Blumenthal, Henry J.Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memoryda