
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
2661CarteASC1.1Quintus Asconius PedianusOrationum Ciceronis quinque ennaratioda
2662CarteCIC1.10M. Tullius CiceroOratorda
2663CarteCOM2.1Jan Amos ComeniusOrbis Sensualium Pictusda
2664CarteSCH1.1Schachten, Winfried H. J. Ordo salutis : das Gesetz als Weise der Heilsvermittlung ; zur Kritik des hl. Thomas von Aquin an Joachim von Fioreda
2665CarteSOR2.1Sorel, ReynalOrfeu şi orfismulda
2666CarteMAI3.1Maier, Friedrich; Zeller, Alfred Organon: Grammatik II. Sazlehreda
2667CarteOrie46***ORIENS. Journal of Philosophy, Theology and Science in the Islamic Societiesda
2668CarteCRO4.1Crouzel, Henri Origène et Plotin: comparaisons doctrinalesda
2669CarteVER2.1Vernant, Jean-PierreOriginile gandirii grecestida
2670CarteMON3.1Monagle, ClareOrthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theologyda
2671ArticolX-dun1.3Duns Scot, JeanOu la revelution subtileda
2672CarteBIB6.1.1Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. I)da
2673CarteBIB6.1.2Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. II)da
2674CarteBIB6.1.3Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. III)da
2675CarteOVI1.5Herescu, Nicolae I. (ed.)Ovidiana. Recherches sur Ovideda
2676CarteMAR16.23 Maritain, Jacques; Maritain, RaissaPages de Leon Bloyda
2677CarteJAE1.2Jaeger, WernerPaideia. La formation de l'homme grecqueda
2678Articolx-mor6.1Morrow, Glenn R. Palto's Conception of Persuasionda
2679CarteERA1.2Desiderius ErasmusPanegiric pentru Filip. Educarea principelui creştinda
2680CarteSAL5.1Salonen, KirsiPapal justice in the late Middle Ages. The Sacra Romana Rotanu
2681CarteHOF5.1Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, RuediParadigmes de theologie philosophiqueda
2682CarteCHI2.1Chindea, GabrielParadoxul transcendenței la Aristotel și Plotinda
2683ArticolX-llo1.1Lloyd, C. AntonyParhypostatis in Proclusda
2684CarteLEF1.1Leff, GordonParis and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuryda
2685CarteSCO1.5Johannes Duns ScotusPariser Vorlesungen über Wissen und Kontingenzda
2686CarteCOU5.2Courtenay, William J.Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portraitda
2687Articolx-sta1.1Stannard, Jerry Parmenidian Logicda
2688CarteFAB1.1Fabro, CornelioParticipation et causalite selon Thomas d'Aquinda
2689CarteARI1.65AristotelParva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturaleda
2690CarteHOE1.4Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.)Past and future. Medieval studies todayda
2691CarteVIS1.1Claude VIshnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.)Patocka, Lecteur d'Aristote. Phenomenologie, ontologie, cosmologieda
2692CarteBAD2.1Cristian Badilita (ed.)Patristique et oecumenismeda
2693CarteLTHK8Buchberger, MichaelPatron bis Rudolfda
2694ArticolX-chu1.1Chuvin, Pierre ; Fayant, Marie-Christine (trad.)Paul le Silentaire. Description de Sainte Sophie Constantinopleda
2695CarteCOV1.1Cova, LucianoPeccato originale. Agostino e il Medioevoda
2696CartePET6.1.1Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre PetitmenginPelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende Ida
2697CartePET6.1.2Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre PetitmenginPelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende IIda
2698CarteMEI1.5Meirinhos, José; Lázaro Pulido, Manuel (org.)Pensar a naturalezada
2699CarteAMI1.1Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali; Dubois, J. D.; Jullien, C.; Jullien, F. (eds.)Pensée grecque et sagesse d'orient: hommage à Michel Tardieuda
2700CarteNAR1.1Narbonne, Jean-Marc; Reckermann, Alfons (ed.)Pensees de l'"Un" dans l'histoire de la philosophieda
2701CarteLIB1.4Libera, Alain dePenser au Moyen Ageda
2702CarteGEI1.1Geiger, Louis-BertrandPenser avec Thomas d'Aquinda
2703CarteVAS1.5Vasiliu, AncaPenser Dieu: Noetique Et Metaphysique Dans L'antiquite Tardiveda
2704CarteROS5.1 Saetta Cottone, Rossella (ed.)Penser les dieux avec les présocratiquesda
2705CartePPM1.1***Pensiero politico medievaleda
2706CarteGOF1.2Le Goff, JacquesPentru un alt Ev Mediu : valori umaniste în cultura şi civilizaţia Evului Mediuda
2707CarteBEC1.1Beccarisi, A; Imbach und Pasquale PorroPer perscrutationem philosophicam da
2708CarteFLS1.6Beccarisi, Alessandra; Palazzo, Alessandro (eds.)Per studium et doctrinam. Fonti e testi di filosofia medievale dal XII al XIV secoleda
2709CarteBRUO2.2Figorilli, Maria CristinaPer una bibliografia di Giordano Bruno: (1800 - 1999)da
2710CarteREA1.1Reale, GiovanniPer una nuova interpretazione di Platoneda
2711CarteCOU3.1Coulter, M. DalePer visibilia ad invisibilia. Theological method in Richard of St. Victorda
2712CarteROG1.3Rogers, Kathrin Perfect Being Theologyda
2713CartePTO1.4PtolemeusPeri kritikou kai hegemonikouda
2714ArticolX-por1.1 Porretanus, GilbertusPeripatetici sex principiorvm liberda
2715CarteERI1.7.2Iohannes Scotus EriugenaPeriphyseon. Liber Secundusda
2716CarteMUS1.2Musca, VasilePermanenta idealismuluida
2717CarteSTR2.2Strauss, LeoPersecution and the art of writingda
2718CarteMON5.1MontesquieuPersianische Briefeda
2719CarteTHO1.29.6***Persona, legge naturale, diritti umani in una società complessa e globale nu
2720CarteJOL1.5Jolivet, JeanPerspectives médiévales et arabesda
2721ArticolX-wil3.1Wilks, Ian Peter Abelard and the Metaphysics of Essential Predicationda
2722ArticolX-pet1.1Petrus AureolusPeter Aureol Vs. Hervaeus Natalis on intentionalityda
2723ArticolX-gas1.1Gaskin, Richard Peter Damian on Divine power and the contingency of the pastda
2724ArticolX-rem1.1Remnant, PeterPeter Damian: Could God change the past?da
2725CarteROS1.2Rosemann, Philipp W.Peter Lombardda
2726CarteCOL3.1.1Marcia L. Colish (ed.)Peter Lombard vol. Ida
2727CarteCOL3.1.2Marcia L. Colish (ed.)Peter Lombard vol. IIda
2728CarteAUV1.1Pierre de Auvergne; Griet Galle (ed.)Peter of Auvergne Questions on Aristotle's De Caelonu
2729CarteHIS1.2Petrus HispanusPeter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelisda
2730CarteTHO1.7Thomas d'AquinPetite somme politique (ant. D. Sureau)da
2731CarteARI1.61AristotelPetits traites d'histoire naturelleda
2732ArticolX-mom1.1Mommsen, Theodor E.Petrarch`s conception of the "Dark ages"da
2733CarteLOM1.1Petrus Lombardus; Migne, J.-P. (ed.)Petri Lombardi Senteriarum Libri Quatuorda
2734ArticolX-end1.1Endres, Joseph AntonPetrus Damiani Und Die Weltliche Wissenschaftda
2735CarteKOG1.1Kogel, JuliusPetrus Lombardus in seiner Stellung zur Philosophie des Mittelaltersda
2736CarteAMB1.1AmbrosiusPflichtenlehre und Ausgewählte Kleinere Schriftenda
2737ArticolX-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
2738CarteLEV1.1Lévy, Carlos (ed.)Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophieda
2739CarteSOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
2740ArticolX-ebb1.1Ebbesen, Sten Philoponus, 'Alexander' and the origins of medieval logicda
2741CarteCAS1.4Cassin, Barbara Philosopher en langues. Les intraduisibles en traductionda
2742ArticolX-fio1.1Fioravanti , Gianfranco (Pisa)Philosophi contro legistae: un momento dell'autoaffermazione della filosofia nel Medievoda
2743CarteBAR6.1J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, I, Essays on Philosophy and Roman Societyda
2744CarteBAR6.2J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, Ii, Plato and Aristotle at Romeda
2745ArticolX-mor3.1Morewedge, ParvizPhilosophical analysis and Ibn Sina's 'Essence-Existence' Distinctionda
2746CarteBRI2.3Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
2747CarteSTE3.3Van Steenberghen, FernandPhilosophie des Mittelaltersda
2748CarteGUE1.1Guelluy, RobertPhilosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockhamda
2749CarteMUL1.1Müller, Gernot Michael; Zini, Fosca Mariani (eds.)Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektivenda
2750CarteCUS1.5Nicolaus CusanusPhilosophische und Theologische Schriftenda
2751CarteHOE1.3Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Schneider, J. H. Josef; Wieland, GeorgPhilosophy and Learning. Universities in the Middle Agesda
2752CarteADA3.2Adamson, Peter ed.Philosophy and medicine in the formative period of Islamda
2753CarteCLA7.1Clark, Gillian; Rajak, Tessa (eds.)Philosophy and power in the Graeco-Roman world : essays in honour of Miriam Griffinda
2754CarteCUR1.1Curuț, Ioana FlaviaPhilosophy and Theology at the University of Vienna in the XVth Century: The Case of Thomas Ebendorferda
2755CarteEME1.1Emery, Kent; Friedman, Russell (eds)Philosophy and theology in the long middle agesda
2756CarteEME1.2Emery, Kent; Courteney, William (eds.)Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courtsda
2757CarteHYM1.1Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.)Philosophy in the Middle Agesda
2758Articolx-lib1.2#1Libera, Alain de Philosphie et censureda
2759Articolx-lib1.2#2Libera, Alain de Philosphie et censureda
2760CartePHI7.1Westermann, Antonius Philostratorum et Callistrati operada